Animal Adaptations All living things have to be suited to their environment if they are to survive.
How do animals adapt, or change, to survive in their surroundings? Arctic Fox
Adaptations Animals Use Big ears Webbed feet Sharp claws or teeth Body Structure
Platypus Wombat
Good eye sight Size and shape of beak Falcon
Other Adaptations Animals Use Move silently Move quickly Camouflage Use cover (plants) to hide from predators Have ability to dig or swim
Can you name any other adaptations animals use? Have ability to survive in difficult terrain or harsh climates. Mountain Goats Polar Bears
Streamlined to move fast, to catch food and to escape from predators. Excellent hearing to protect itself from predators. Swims with other dolphins for company and protection. Very intelligent. Dolphin
Powerful pincers for gripping their prey. Its legs can move it fast to escape predators. A hard shell to protect it from sharp rocks and predators. Crab
Excellent eyesight for hunting. Powerful beak and claws for catching prey. Streamline body to reduce drag and allow it to move fast! Sparrow Hawk
A streamlined shape reduces drag and allows it to move fast through water. Fins allow it to change direction easily. Powerful jaws and teeth for catching and eating food. Great White Shark
It can change color to blend in with its surroundings so its predators and prey cannot see it! Extra long tongue to catch prey. Eyes can rotate all around to look out for prey and predators. Chameleon
How is the seal adapted to its environment? Flippers to help it swim. Streamlined shape. Thick layer of body fat to keep it warm. Strong teeth to catch fish. Forward- facing eyes for clear vision ahead. Hind legs have evolved into a strong rudder- like tail.
Wherever animals live, they must adapt to their environment. Animals who live in the desert, where it is hot and dry, and animals who live in the arctic, where it is cold and bleak, must adapt to their harsh environments in order to survive. Wherever animals live, they must adapt to their environment. Animals who live in the desert, where it is hot and dry, and animals who live in the Arctic or Antarctic, where it is cold and bleak, must adapt to their harsh environments in order to survive.
Camels can go without drinking for long periods by storing water in their specially adapted humps. Leathery eye-lids and long silky eyelashes help protect their eyes from the glare of the sun and the stinging sand.
Their feet are flat and splayed giving them a large surface area. These act like snowshoes, helping the camel to walk without sinking into the sand.
Emperor penguins have a thick layer of fat to keep them warm. They have downy feathers underneath their waterproof outer feathers. The fluffy inner layer acts as insulation, while the oily outer layer acts like a waterproof jacket.
Penguins sometimes seem clumsy on land, but their streamline shape makes them graceful and acrobatic swimmers.
Black Bears in North Carolina There are three species of bears in North America. The black bear is the only species found in North Carolina in the wild.
Black Bear Black bears are good climbers and diggers. They use their paws to catch food and put it in their mouths.
Once rare in North Carolina, eagles are now making a comeback They can be seen near Jordan Lake Eagles in North Carolina
Eagle An eagle can see food from a great height! It then moves swiftly down behind the prey. The prey must be quick to escape!
Red Wolves in North Carolina In 1980 the red wolf was declared extinct in the wild. Red wolves are now being reintroduced into North Carolina.
Red Wolf Wolves use their sense of smell more than any other sense to find prey. They have strong skulls and jaws and specialized teeth.
Lemurs in North Carolina Lemurs are NOT native to North Carolina! They only live in the wild in Madagascar. Lemurs are studied at the Duke Primate Center.
Lemur Lemurs’ bottom teeth form what is called a “tooth comb” because they use it for grooming. Lemurs have a great sense of smell.
Animal Adaptation When animals cannot adapt to environmental changes brought about by humans, they do not survive.
Caring for the Environment It is in our own best interests to look after the world we live in. Remember - once something becomes extinct, it’s gone forever! Endangered Snow Leopard