Polar Bears an Endangered Species By Austin McLane
Habitat and Main Food Source The polar bear lives in arctic regions on off shore pack ice They live in these areas so that they can remain near their main food source which is seals
Predators and Dangers Polar bears have no animal predators in their region They are occasionally by humans but not very often The polar bear’s main danger is the melting ice and crumbling of their habitat
Effect on Their Environment Polar bears control the seal population along with the population of certain fish and other land and sea mammals Without the polar bears the populations of these certain species would gradually increase and the order of the ecosystem would be disrupted
Protection Plan Many different groups have formed and petitioned for new laws to help protect these animals Canada has nearly stopped all hunting of polar bears America still allows these bears to be hunted Hunting them needs to be illegal and we need to conserve more and pollute less We need to find ways to lower the effects of global warming
What Happened Polar bears became endangered mainly because of the melting ice which they call home The second biggest reason is because they are having to experience the effects of our pollution of the air and water