Global Warming Frogs and Polar Bears By Clay O. and Julia F.
What is global warming? And why is it important?
Global Warming - When the Earth is getting warmer. It affects animals and us in different ways.
Biodiversity What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity - All of the different living species on Earth.
Threats to Biodiversity Climate change Arctic is getting warmer
Threats to Biodiversity PPollution, OOther human activities.: CCar driving DDevices charged by electricity PPesticides.
Let’s talk about frogs! Frogs breathe through their lungs and skin. Because of climate change they are at greater risk of getting a disease. It’s called Chytrid Fungus and is killing them.
And Polar Bears! Live in the Arctic Ice helps them walk and find food at ice holes Global warming melts the ice Forces them to swim more Uses their energy
And Other Creatures too! Even butterflies Less milkweed plants for food Blooming seasons are changing
Will losing polar bears and frogs affect biodiversity?
Yes – They are part of the Global Food Chain Polar Bears: Predators: Human actions Prey:Seals Frogs: Predators:Snakes Prey:Flies
How can you help?
8 ways for better days 1. Unplug devices. 2. Use energy-saving light bulbs. 3. Turn off water when you brush your teeth. 4. Ride your bikes rather than being driven in a car. 5. Play outside instead of watching television or playing a video game. 6. Turn off the light when you leave a room. 7. Limit the amount of time you spend in a shower (save hot water). 8. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. © A project of Team Sideways Infinity, Lower Moreland School District,2013.
More Visit Try one of the 8 ways Ask your family to try one of the 8 ways February 24 to February 28 – Complete the form
Adopt a Polar Bear! First class with 100% participation in survey gets to adopt a polar bear February 24 to February pro?sSource=base&kw=POLR30&gclid=CKuk9L799LQCFdKd4Aod3E QA7w
Resources students students ogs-the-thin-green-line/what-you-can-do-to- help-the-frogs/4842/ ogs-the-thin-green-line/what-you-can-do-to- help-the-frogs/4842/