Hair or Fur
Basic Structures of Fur
Scale Patterns Deer Mink Caribou Elk Moose
Regulate Body Temperature: Endotherms! Insulation Water Proofing Protect skin from sunlight Camouflage Sense organ Defense Functions of Fur
If the polar bear has clear fur, how do they absorb sunlight for heat????
Hair is hollow to provide insulation Heat is kept close to the body Insulation
Very soft, insulated under coat which protects the outer layer of long guard hairs The outer layer traps air to keep them dry and warm underwater Water Proofing
Mammals have hair to protect their skin from sunlight as well If animals didn’t have fur/hair sun burning would occur Sun protection
Mammals use their fur to help them hide from predators The snowshoe hare is white during the winter to help blend in with the snow, and brown during the spring/summer time to help blend in to the forest Camouflage
The echidna has sharp spines or quills to defend themselves from predators Quills will release from body when another animal attacks Defense
Warning Coloration!
Many mammals have whiskers coming out from their snout Used as a sensory organ to feel around when sight can not be used to navigate food Sensory Organ
1.Name 3 functions of mammal fur/hair. 2.Explain a defense mechanism using fur/hair. 3.Name a specific “modified” hair. Review!!!