Beluga whales by EllaBingman
Length and weight and body parts Beluga whales grow to be 15 feet long.beluga whales weigh over 3,300 pounds. beluga whales have many body parts.
predators Killer whales and polar bears prey on belugas, especially the calves. People have hunted belugas for hundreds of years, but belugas are now only hunted by a few Arctic- dwelling tribes. Killer whales polar bears
Life time and color and migration Beluga whales have a life expectancy of years. The beluga whale is white as an adult and molts seasonally. Belugas live in frigid Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, but some populations migrate south to warmer water in the summer. Beluga's Arctic habitat overlaps with narwhal's habitat. (The narwhal is its closest relative.) Belugas also travel up northern rivers into brackish (partlynarwhal's
Habitat and diet Belugas live in frigid Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, but some populations migrate south to warmer water in the summer. Beluga's Arctic habitat overlaps with narwhal's habitat. (The narwhal is its closest relative.) Belugas also travel up northern rivers into brackishnarwhal's
Toothed or baleen special aptitudes Belugas are toothed whales with 34 teeth. The teeth are not designed for chewing, but for grabbing and tearing prey. Beluga whales are very social animals and congregate in pods (social groups) of 2-25 whales, with an average pod size of 10 whales (consisting of both males and females or mothers and calves). A pod will hunt and migrate as a group. The bond between mothers and calves is the strongest. During migrations, several pods may join together, forming groups of ,000 belugas.