Christopher Gully PARIS21 Board Meeting Paris, 3 April 2014
2 “You complain that your report would be dry … the drier the better. Statistics should be the driest of all reading” - William Farr (1807 – 1883)
4 Visibility Impact Co-ordination Dialogue
5 Database of 3,467+ contacts, built over the past 15 years This is a core audience, but we can do much more
8 Website News Social Media Advocacy Materials
9 News Stories46 (average 1 per week) Page Views30,854 (up from 24,423) Visits102,180 (up from 77,654) Pages per visit3.31 (up from 3.18)
10 Subscribers3,467 Newsletters sent4 (one per quarter)
11 Tweets574 (1.25 per day) Followers279 (+4 per week) Engagement28% retweeted 10% favourites 12% replies
13 Informing a Data Revolution Advocating for political support: Ambassadors for a Data Revolution Connecting with partners for technical support and advice: Data Revolution Technical Review Group Building out the contact database Support countries with statistical advocacy
14 The PARIS21 brand enjoys wide recognition, but often for very different reasons Confusion in terms of the activities of the Secretariat, the Partnership, or… ? Highlighting activities can provide opportunities to better showcase the Partnership, not just the Secretariat
16 Country Report on Support to Statistics (CRESS) Partner Report on Support to Statistics (PRESS) Secretariat for Busan Action Plan for Statistics (BAPS)
17 Accelerated Data Programme (ADP) International Household Survey Network (IHSN)
18 National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) Regional Strategies for the Development of Statistics (RSDS) User/Producer Workshops
19 Informing a Data Revolution