Report on WP 4 activities Sustainable, multimodal traffic scenarios 29 August 2012 Bled, Slovenia Boris ŽIVEC Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Railway Transport
Report on WP 4 activities The SEETAC Project aims towards closer cooperation of the Pan European Transport Corridors structures in line to develop rational, fluent international transport throughout the region. Considering the specifics of the region – hilly peninsula crossed by the rivers as an ideal region for shaping the sustainable transport system.
Report on WP 4 activities Having involved in the project the EU member states of the region, the states of the region negotiating for the EU membership, together with the SEETO set up by the countries of the region and the EC and particularly with the advanced experts on the field of the region, the project was only dedicated to success in shaping the future sustainable transport of the region.
Report on WP 4 activities The presented graph of activities was choosen for the experts work within the WP 4 - SEE Integrated Modelling Tool - Main Operational Functions SEETAC Project – Final report on the status quo and scenario 2020 of the transport model activities in WP 4 – July 2012
Report on WP 4 activities SEE Road Modelling Graph and links/nodes typology classification SEE Road Modelling Graph and road network classification per capacity SEETAC Project – Final report on the status quo and scenario 2020 of the transport model activities in WP 4 – July 2012
Report on WP 4 activities SEE Rail Modelling Graph and rail typology classification per capacity SEE Waterway Modelling Graph (inland and maritime systems) SEETAC Project – Final report on the status quo and scenario 2020 of the transport model activities in WP 4 – July 2012
Report on WP 4 activities SEE Integrated Modelling Graph – Centroids and Connectors values of trend GDP in 2016 (source IMF) SEETAC Project – Final report on the status quo and scenario 2020 of the transport model activities in WP 4 – July 2012
Report on WP 4 activities OUTLOOK of TRANSPORT DEMAND for FUTURE SCENARIOS Volume of road and rail traffic (rate number – estimation ) Modelling elaboration and simulated allocation concerning the scenario “Do Nothing” SEETAC Project – Final report on the status quo and scenario 2020 of the transport model activities in WP 4 – July 2012
Report on WP 4 activities Scheme of architecture of T-Env modelling toolScheme of matching procedure between transport and T- Env modelling tool SEETAC Project – Final report on the status quo and scenario 2020 of the transport model activities in WP 4 – July 2012
Report on WP 4 activities When the consideration of the possible future sustainable transport system is, besides the transport forecast on the basis of the predicted GDP growth, also on the basic of sharing experiences (between EU members and non EU countries of the region) and considering specifics of the region (transit transport prospective) the following traffic forecast might be anticipated.
Report on WP 4 activities External costs of traffic for the considered scenarios in the period of (in million EUR) Based on the following principles the presented assessment of external costs of transport should be considered
Report on WP 4 activities Considering the expertise’s and the common need for sustainable transport system where the co-modality, multimodality and the rational use of energy are the first priority, the future transport of the region might look alike the presented in the graph.
In believe that the sustainability is the question that is keeping you awake. Thank you for your attention