Introduction The road is a prime factor of socio - economic and political development of nations around the world.and for authorities to came up with a substainable transport systems,with priority to vulnerable road users (pedestrian),both the public and parapublic economic development stake holders should be involve in road safety campaign actions, policy making and implementation
policy making Companies and industries should have rgulatory obligations to the application of road safety policies and respect for vulnerable road users,in their operational standards For State governments to sort the issue of vulnerablility of motor cyclist and pedestrian, they should adopt a plicy of designing road contruction projects or existing roads with motor cyclist path diferent from vehicle and lorry path for this shall solve road traffic problems and eventually reduce accidents :- More still,state governments(notablely in third world countries) should ensure that road safety code is included into basic educational curriculum as to better educate vulnerable road user ( pedestrian/children ) with basic road safety tips.
Policy making Moreso,For vulnerable road users to be better protected by any authority or state government, insurance companies should respect their rule of risk coverage by attaching their services to the emergency wards of public hospitals to ensure a quick medical care for vulnerable victims( pedestrians /cyclist ),whom in most cases are the poor. ensure compensation incase of damages during an accident. for research reports and expirences have proven that about 75 % of insurance companies in the third world countries are not respecting their objective of compensating road victims. In addition,the road victims advocacy and accident data collection initiatives of NGOs for adequate road sfety policies/ compensation by insurance companies should be supported by state governments
Sensitisation campaign actions Companies and industries notably in developing countries should be involve or support road safety sensitisation campaigns organised by N G Os or State government, With committed statements such as. « we put Road Safety at the heart of our company operations and shall go above and beyond our legal duty of care to keep our drivers and communities safe on the Road » In accordance with the UN Road Safety Decade of Action programme,and in line with the theme of this conference on SUSTAINABLE ROAD TRANSPORT SYSTEM, i am calling On stake holders here present, to lunch a world wide Entreprenariats Road Safety campaign under the ospisis of the above industrial committement message to urdged company’s in the world to be more committed in Road safety activities. For without the safety and sustainablility of the road,economic operators can not bost of their investments,nor state goverment assuming an economic growth of her nation.
Sensitisation campaign actions over loading and high speed is another threat to vulnerable Road users (pedestrian/cyclist) that needs to be targeted during advocacy campaigns /educative workshops, this factor which is mostly practised in developing countries can be attributed to low wages paid to drivers by their employers, for most of them on high speeds and over loading usually wants to cover more rounds of their journey’s per day as to gain some tips for themselfs as such endangering pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. so,in other to better protect our vulnerable Road users and keep our roads more safer,lets joint hands togther and reduce injuries and fatalities on our roads by promoting educative and sensitisation campaign intiatives.
The Road ahead Re-enforce Road safety sensitisation campaigns and training work shops in urban and Rural areas. State governments and municipalities should seek to design Road construction projects or rehabilitate existing Road with motor cyclist path different from cars and lorry ways Rehabilitation and re-enforcement of Road safety orientation sign boards on high ways and in cities should be a priority to state governments. Promotes modern technology accident data collecting and reporting system in third world countries. Insert Road safety code into basic educational curriculum to better educate and protect vulnerable Road users,and the putting in place of adequate road safety institutions,in third world countries, to train and retrain those in the road industries, shall remain a priority to achieve a sustainable road transport system in the world.