Three Country Pilot The way to ISI ”Jeppe” Jepsen Motorola
Content of the presentation Introduction The 1st phase of the 3CP The 2nd phase - Functional Requirements of the ISI The 2nd phase - The way ahead
mid 2002 mid 2001 mid 2003 Pilot-Project Aachen: Operational network Pilot-Project Aachen: Operational network C2000: operational network in borderregion ASTRID: operational network Technical and tactical preperation test-phase Phase 1 Three-Country Pilot Phase 1 Three-Country Pilot Phase 1 Three-Country Pilot Phase 2 Three-Country Pilot Phase 2 nov 2004
Goal 1st phase Tests on operational level Speech facilities Multinational participation of (national/military) police, border police, fire brigades, ambulance and customs Border region Aachen, Zuid-Limburg, Liège
Terminal equipment recommendations Displays have to show active network Preferential network to be selectable Identification of group members Use of DMO still necessary
Procedures recommendations Radioprocedure standard (NATO) Language for cross border operations?? International training (dispatching, teams) Fleetmap with international groups
Integration into foreign talkgroups!! Contact with own dispatching still necessary Emergency call handling in foreign networks Automatic Vehicle Location in foreign networks Data capability to solve language problems Intervention team statuses Individual call and phone call Functionality recommendations
mid 2002 mid 2001 mid 2003 Pilot-Project Aachen: Operational network Pilot-Project Aachen: Operational network C2000: operational network in borderregion ASTRID: operational network Phase 1 Three-Country Pilot Fase 1 Three-Country Pilot Fase 1 Phase 1 Three-Country Pilot Phase 2 Three-Country Pilot Phase 2 nov 2004
Functional requirements for the Tetra ISI –Functional requirement specification describing architecture, functions and services –Based on: Technical TETRA ISI standard and Interoperability profiles Three Country Pilot scenarios and recommendations ASTRID, BMI and C2000 view
Content overview How to interconnect the networks Subscriber management aspects –Subscriber rights and access to groups –Based on Three Country Pilot experiences End-user functionality –Based on Three Country Pilot scenarios Security aspects Phasing of implementation –Based on Three Country pilot scenarios
How to interconnect the networks On each (national) system there are 5 ISI connections –Two for connection to the other members of the three country pilot –Three for (future) expansion to other networks When more networks are to be connected this choice needs to be reconsidered Per ISI one E1 is used, providing 30 parallel voice channels. SwMI Netherlands Belgium Germany
Subscriber management aspects Individual users –Users are only defined in their own, home network. –Per user it can be configured if it is allowed to work in other networks. –When entering a foreign network, the users home network is always asked if the user is allowed to work in another network. –Fleetmaps of individuals no longer have to be aligned. When a user is on another network, a (temporary) Visitor SSI is used. –A network can be configured to refuse certain ranges of visitors.
Subscriber management aspects Different types of users In this way two types of users can be created: 1.Users allowed to work in foreign networks 2.Users allowed only to work in the home network
Subscriber management aspects Talkgroups –Like every user, every talkgroup has a home network –Access to talkgroups is controlled by the home network –Talkgroups can be configured to be also available on other networks. –Talkgroups can configured to also accept foreign users. –If allowed and programmed, foreign users can select the talkgroup and communicate with other people in the talkgroup, wherever they are.
Subscriber management aspects Different types of talkgroups In this way 3 different types of talkgroups can be created: 1.Talkgroup for international corporation. available to own users and foreign users when working in the home network or in a foreign network 2.Talkgroup for international use. only for use by own users available when working in the home network or in a foreign network 3.Talkgroup for national use. only for use by own users in the home network
End user functionality –Migration, including Authentication Air interface encryption –Group call –Emergency call –Individual call, hook signalling –Status messages –SDS-4 –Telephone call –Talking Party Identity –Calling Line Identity –Pre-emptive Priority Call –Enable/Disable (for security reasons only originated by the home network of the user) –Individual DGNA (for security reasons only originated by the home network of the talkgroup) –Packet data can be implemented in a parallel project via a separate IP gateway
Security aspects When entering or switching on in a foreign network, authentication takes place. Authentication is done based on security information received from the home network of the user. If successfully authenticated, the radio receives the encryption key needed for DCK air interface encryption. End-to-end encryption is supported for all calls using the ISI
Phasing of implementation Purpose: enable evaluation in an earlier stage Limitation: the more phases, the longer it takes Phase 1 –Migration including: Authentication Air interface encryption –Local services: Outgoing telephone calls Local individual calls –Group call –Talking Party Identity –Emergency call Phase 2 – Individual call – Status – SDS-4 – Telephone call – Calling Line Identity – Individual DGNA – Pre-emptive Priority Call – Enable/Disable In parallel: Packet data
2nd phase of the Three-Country Pilot Agreement between DG Security Be/NL upon 2nd phase Agree and Ratify “Functional requirements for ISI” document on * National level (Ministries etc) * TETRA-MOU (MOU Board, Technical working groups) * Police Cooperation Working Group * PSRG-meeting * Euregion meeting (e.g. Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands) Signed Letter of Intent by suppliers (30th of June 2004)
International activities To establish the PMG-ISI (mandate + projectplan) Maintenance agreements ASTRID – C2000 To establish a testing phase to accept ISI To obtain for European funding Information sharing EU-countries Interim solution cross border communication
National activities Agreement upon 2nd phase (3CP internally) Projectplan 2nd phase (3CP internally) To determine and obtain European funding Request for Information/Request for Quotation Signing of contract with suppliers
Q Project plan 2nd phase 3CP Q Budgetary quotation and planning Co-ordinate planning C Motorola, TetraNed and ASTRID - Nokia Q3 – Q Signing of Contract: C2000 – Motorola, TetraNed ASTRID – Nokia Operational testing 2nd phase May 2004 Functional Requirements Document Q2-Q Ratification of FR document = Three-Country Pilot project = National projects Q2’05 and Q2 ‘06 Obtaining European Funding June 2004 Signing LoI by suppliers 2005 – 2008 Development of ISI 2008 IOP certified ISI available 2007 ISI available for testing in 3CP Q2 ’05 – Q3 ‘05 Interim solution Cross border Communication between countries Maintenance Agreement ASTRID – C2000
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