The Language of the Presentation
Signposts Short phrases that help the audience to follow the direction and structure of what you are saying I am going to talk to you today… Let’s start by… Let’s move on to … Finally I would like to… To sum up… Right, let’s stop there.
Using opposite words/contrasting ideas Do you want high safety at low cost Global reach with local support Should you or fax? Use your Intranet or Internet
Questions where you give the answer yourself Are you looking for a new software to solve your problems? Well, look no more.
Repeating a word/pattern of words Do you want to save your money on international phone calls – again and again and again? Beat the rest – choose the best of the best.
Stop-and-start repetition So, what is the answer? The answer is… Just take a moment to llok at our results. Results that have made us a leading player in the industry
Repeating sounds Software for leisure and learning Happy and healthy, relaxed and refreshed The power of progress