The boy in the striped pyjamas lesson 1. LO: 1. Retrieve specific information from the text to answer questions and make predictions 2. Use discussion skills to form a view about characters and the likely direction of the story
Starter The cover of a book is not only crucial in helping us to decide whether we want to read it; it can also say much about the story and themes. Publishers spend a lot of time deciding which colour, design, illustration or photograph will give the right impression.
Cover 1 (folded pyjamas) Who do the pyjamas belong to? Why are there dirty smudges on the pyjamas? Why would dirty pyjamas be neatly folded? What is the significance of the number on the pyjamas? What’s in the background of the picture? Why is it there?
Cover 2 (striped pyjama pattern for book cover) The colour seems old-fashioned: is this because the story is from the past? Why do you think the stripes and colours are faded? Why do you think the cover is so plain?
Cover 3 (two boys standing side by side) Who are these children? We cannot see any facial expressions. Are the children happy or sad? Where might they be? What is the relationship between the boys? Is this a posed photograph? Who do you think so/not?
Introduction Read chapters 1 and 2. When and where is the book set? How old is Bruno? Where does he live? Who does he live with? What impression do we get of his character? Use evidence from the book in your answers!
Questions 1 Why have Bruno’s family suddenly moved house? Use evidence: give a page number, and your conclusion. 2 Who are the Fury and the beautiful blonde woman? 3 What does Father’s new job? Use evidence: give a page number, and your conclusion.
Withholding Knowledge At this stage, who knows more about what’s going on: the reader or Bruno? Extension - can you comment on how this is effective?
Plenary In exactly twenty words, sum up what you know about the novel Boy in the Striped Pyjamas already!