Monday, September 16, 2013 I am learning to develop my inference and deduction (reading between the lines) skills.
Starter Capital letters and punctuation are super important in English. How many can you remember? Write them down in your book now. For example: full stops, capital letters, apostrophes.
Starter mason is a very funny young man courtney is a very bright young lady she always has her hand up. camerons favourite subject is English he really enjoys this lesson. Why wouldnt he There are 9 mistakes/pieces of punctuation that have been left out. Copy out the sentences, adding in the correct punctuation and capital letters.
Inference and Deduction Can anyone remember what these 2 fancy words mean in plain English? Reading between the lines! Now I’ll talk you through some examples of what this means. Then time to think of some of your own.
This half term (until the end of October) we are going to be reading and studying a book. The book is: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Main Task 1: Points for Class Discussion Title Images (pictures) Cover Blurb (writing on the back)
Main Task 2: What Do You Think This Book is Going To Be About? Time to quietly & individually write a prediction in your book.
Plenary Write down 3 things you have learnt about The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas today.