Copyright 2006 Digital Enterprise Research Institute. All rights reserved. MarcOnt Initiative Tools for collaborative ontology development Maciej Dąbrowski, Sebastian Ryszard Kruk Digital Enterprise Research Institute National University of Ireland, Galway maciej.
2 Outline Motivation Ontologies in the world of digital libraries MarcOnt Tools MarcOnt Portal MarcOnt REST SOA Future work
3 Motivation World of Digital Libraries Identified Problems: Interoperability Format translation Multiple data formats in DL: How to support them? How to translate between them? Who should create mappings?
4 Real-life problems – users expectations Searching: Effective and Accurate We want correct and fast answers!! Intuitive and Simple Asking questions should be easy. Meaning Jaguar – a car or an animal? Reasoning Give me articles written by students of X in Galway? Identified problems: Intuitive interface for asking complex querries
5 Real-life problems - summary Digital Libraries should provide: Interoperability Support for many formats Complex search features Intuitive interfaces
6 Usecase scenario Author Title Structured resources: Author Title Data storage allows: Author Title Additional information cannot be stored!! Author Title Date TitleAuthor Regular Systems AuthorTitle Date
7 MarcOnt Initiative Motivation: Build a bibliographic ontology for the Jerome Digital Library MarcOnt Initiative goals: Deliver a set of tools for collaborative ontology development Collaboration Tools for domain experts Enable mediation between formats (MMS)
8 MarcOnt Ontology Central point of MarcOnt Initiative Translation and mediation format Continuous collaborative ontology improvement Knowledge from the domain experts Community influence and evaluation
9 MarcOnt Ontology Goals: Capture concepts from the legacy bibliographic formats –MARC21, Bibtex, Dublin Core –Lattes,... Create a uniform bibliographic description format for digital libraries. Enable the use of Semantic Web technologies (eg. reasoning) to improve capabilities of digital libraries Improve interoperability
10 Format Translation Scenario Author: John Smith Date of Birth: Date of death: Author: John Smith Date of Birth: ?? Date of death: ?? Author: John Smith Date of Birth: ?? Date of death: ?? Author: John Smith Date of Birth: ?? Date of death: ?? Dublin Core
11 Format Translation Scenario Author: John Smith Date of Birth: Date of death: Author: John Smith Date of Birth: ?? Date of death: ?? Author: John Smith Date of Birth: ?? Date of death: ?? Author: John Smith Date of Birth: Date of death: RDF Storage Dublin Core Author: John Smith Date of Birth: Date of death: Author: John Smith Date of Birth: Date of death:
12 MarcOnt Tools MarcOnt Initiative involves development of tools: –MarcOnt Portal – enabling collaborative ontology development –MarcOnt Mediation Services (MMS) – allows users to retrieve the description of the given bibliographic resource in multiple formats –RDF Translator – tool for RDF data translation between formats using the set of given mapping rules –Rulegenerator – allows defining mapping (translation) rules between concepts from different ontologies.
13 MarcOnt Mediation Services
14 MarcOnt Mediation Services Format translationInteroperability MarcOnt Mediation Services RDF Translator
15 Rulegenerator – a tool for mapping rules creation
16 MarcOnt Portal Goals –Deliver set of tools for domain experts enabling ontology development –Support collaborative ontology development process Requirements –Easy access (no installation) –Intuitive interface –Ontology editing and versioning –Ontology visualizations
17 MarcOnt Portal - architecture
18 MarcOnt REST SOA REST idea RDF input/output OWL-S descrption of services RDF parameters validation Complex services
19 REST Framework
20 MarcOnt Portal – ontology lifecycle Collaborative ontology development. Portal provides: Suggestions Annotations Versioning Ontology editor
21 MarcOnt Portal - features On-line ontology editingVisualization of ontologies
22 MarcOnt Portal - features On-line ontology editingVisualization of ontologies
23 MarcOnt Portal - features Comparing versions of ontologies
24 MarcOnt Initiative Roadmap Lattes – CV platform used in Brasil Ontology visualisation and graphical edition FOAF support and user profiling MarcOntX agent – automatic integration of concepts from Digital Libraries
25 MarcOnt Portal Roadmap Re-architecture Research on REST-based SOA framework Improvement of user interface Higher reliability Thick client using MarcOnt SOA Digital Rights Management Support for information sharing standards
26 MarcOnt Initiative and eLearning LO require rich description formats SOA architecture enables eLearning applications with support for LO description engineering Using other applications is not neccessary
27 MarcOnt Initiative summary MarcOnt Initiative goals: Create a framework for collaborative ontology development Provide domain experts with tools to share their knowledge Offer tools for data mediation between different data formats Develop MarcOnt bibliographic ontology Create a community of users (domain experts)
28 MarcOnt Initiative references: