2009 DREAM BIG! One Heart, One Mind
Paperwork Physicals Forms Sign In Sheet Parent Information Sheet Clothes Order Shoes Schedules Game Practice Patron Sign Up Sheet
AbilitiesGoals Outside Influences Negative Intangibles System of Communication If the purple line represents the TEAM, you can see there are things in the way of the TEAM being successful.
What should the TEAM do to get better? I am working as hard as I can. What can I do to get better? How can I be a leader today? Am I doing everything the coaches are asking me to do to the best of my ability? IT’S YOUR TEAM! It’s up to you to decide how you will act!
ATTENDANCE – players are encouraged to realize the commitment they are making to their teammates. Absences will not be allowed. Be at practice everyday! Never miss a game! Doctors Appointment – however players are encouraged to do everything in their power to schedule appointments around practice and games Death in the Family Ill and not at school. If you are at school you must attend practice. School functions with coach approval
WE ALL MUST SACRIFICE! Family vacations are no reason to miss Something better cannot just come up Other extra-curricular activities are no reason to miss Non-school sports no reason to miss COMMITMENT PLEDGE In-Season Commitments Off-Season Commitments Camps Summer League Games Weightlifting
If you are going to miss I must be contacted. Cell School Ext. 4106
If you miss practice, you won’t start the next game. If you miss a game, you will also miss the next game. Penalties will escalate. Coaches discretion applied.
PLAYING TIME Playing will be influenced by the following items: Ability Effort & Hustle Knowledge of the game Attendance Participation in off season workouts Potential Never beg or ask for playing time before, during, or right after a contest. PLAYING TIME IS WON AT PRACTICE.
PRACTICE ATTIRE ATTENTION – when a coach is talking or giving instruction all focus should be on the coach. Maintain eye contact. TEAM MEETINGS – when a coach is holding a team meeting players are expected to listen and pay full attention. Players with questions should wait until the coach asks for questions or is finished. Questions will be answered one-on-one after the meeting. ELIGIBILITY – all players are expected to maintain their eligibility during the season. Any player considered ineligible must attend all practices and games; however, they cannot dress in uniform for those games. Everyday they are ineligible players will owe the team conditioning.
1. Catcher and pitcher are the only two players allowed to sit on the bench during games. 2. Coaches coach the game. 3. Always be in uniform. Everyone will look the same. 4. All players should be in the dugout at all times. 5. Pay attention to the game. 6. Once game activities have started there should be no talking to family and friends in the stands or through the back of the dugout. 7. Cheer on your daughters and their teammates! 8. All players will be required to ride the bus to and from games.
Everyone has bad days. Everyone gets sick. Work ethic is defined by how you work when you are tired and sick. Work ethic is defined by how hard you work when you don’t think a coach is watching. Ask yourself if you think these guys had bad days. If they can overcome these obstacles, you can overcome whatever might bothering you.
You have a gift! Not everyone can play softball! Hitting a moving round ball with a round bat is the hardest single activity in all of sports. You are a chosen few. Make sure every action you take is out of respect for the situation you are in. Never take anything or anyone for granted.
TEAM Captains Seniors Everyone should look to be a leader of some activity or team function. School and Community Because of the uniform you are a leader The school has designated that you are worthy to represent the school and community You have influence. Our goal is to ensure you have a positive influence on those around you. 1. Teammates 2. Classmates & Friends 3. Softball Community 4. Neighborhood & Litchfield
At school everyday Do all of your homework Do well on your tests Hold yourself and your classmates to a high standard Volunteer in your community Set a good example for your younger brothers and sisters and kids in the neighborhood Be an ambassador for softball Take time to play catch with your young sister or neighborhood kids After high school volunteer to coach a youth league team
“If I am going to pursue excellence on the field, I am going to pursue excellence in every part of my life.” This statement defines the kind of leaders that will drive the softball program to be successful. Be a great player Be a great teammate Be a great friend Be a great sister and daughter Be a great American
It is important to form bonds of friendship with all your teammates. If you have a disagreement with a teammate you have to learn to work them out. Make an effort to get to know every teammate. Everyday make 1 teammate feel better about themselves. Don’t stay in your little clique. No pettiness. No jealousy.
Set personal and team goals and work toward achieving those goals everyday. Our #1 goal is to get better everyday, so that we are achieving at our highest when it is time for REGIONALS. Let’s set goals for our TEAM.
T EAM R espect A ccountability D iscipline I nspire T hrive on Pressure I ntimidate O ne Thing N ever Give Up