Macedonia 2 million people 17 years of transition High level of corruption 100 place in the world regarding freedom of speech 25 national media Hundreds of lawsuits against journalists for libel
Research “Nova Makedonija” 2 months ago mailed 35 questions to the Government, Assembly, the State commission for preventing corruption… (according to the Law for free approach to information they must give us an answer in 40 days)
WHAT DID WE WANT TO KNOW? How much money did the political parties spend on the elections this year? How much does the Ministry for health spend for the management and leadership courses? How many members of the Assembly attended courses for computers and English? Where did the premier spend his summer vacation?
What was the result? We only got – 2 answers! We only got – 2 answers!
Survey among Macedonian journalists - Do you agree with the results of Freedom house?
Survey among Macedonian journalists - does your media favors the ideology of some political party?
Survey among Macedonian journalists - which political party does your media prefer?
Survey among Macedonian journalists - what is the reason for the low freedom of speech?
Survey among Macedonian journalists - do you think that journalism is a corrupted profession?
Supreme court of Macedonia
What is the problem? The court verdicts are not publicly announced The journalists are not allowed to comment the verdicts The courts don’t have web-sites Many institutions still don’t have PR We cannot ask questions about the private lives of our politicians All the media are politically oriented and depend on the Government
The biggest affairs We proved that many Macedonian journalists also work for the government after their work time The former premier was charged for a corruption deal We found the man that the Macedonian police said that they couldn’t, who was convicted for corruption
Vladislav Tamburkovski or Vladimir Toumburkovski?
Conclusion 1. It is very hard to get to the truth in Macedonia 2. The institutions are very closed for the public 3. The law for free approach to information doesn’t function 4. Good news is that we have a lot of ambitious and persistent journalists who will keep seeking for the truth