Partition of India Review PowerPoint 1
India’s Division Early Civilizations Indian history began in the Indus Valley in modern Pakistan Early civilizations in the region practiced the Hindu religion.
BANGLADESH Pakistan: After independence from Great Britain, Pakistan was split into two parts separated by India East Pakistan West Pakistan The two parts were only held together by their common religion, Islam.
4. War started between West Pakistan & East Pakistan India sided with the East (Bangladesh) India sided with the East (Bangladesh) West Pakistan became Pakistan West Pakistan became Pakistan East Pakistan became Bangladesh East Pakistan became BangladeshBANGLADESH
BANGLADESH Why did this happen? East Pakistan – very poor (subsidence farmers) West Pakistan – very rich (many raw materials and petroleum) S Simply put, the rich controlled the poor and the poor became upset
Kashmir Conflict Started following the division of India Started following the division of India Argument over land border, Kashmir is rich with minerals Argument over land border, Kashmir is rich with minerals