Supportive Administration Akhlaq Hossain CECS 6220
Supportive Administration The main issue of school computer utilization has shifted from mere access to the more fundamental issue of how to effectively integrate technology into the curriculum. What role does the administrator play to insure effective integration of technology in schools.
Supportive Administration “Administrators must be prepared for a significant investment of time to move technology from a part-time tool to an active tool that is fully integrated into the curriculum”. They must develop a plan on how technology can be used effectively as part of a long-term school-improvement plan directed at improving learning and achievement goals. “One strategy is to develop a school vision statement of how technology can be utilized to achieve a school’s objectives”.
Supportive Administration Vision statements should consist of: 1. Vision and objectives to achieve the vision: Engage school board members, faculty and staff members, students, and community members in the process of reflecting on, discussing, and articulating a shared vision of the future of the school or district. 2. Assessment of current school environment: Analyze the existing conditions of your school to more accurately comprehend the terrain that must be navigated to achieve the articulated vision. 3. Gap analysis: Recognize the gaps between the current environment of learning and where the school wants to be in the future as the basis for an action plan to guide the school toward the vision through the utilization of technology as a tool.
Supportive Administration Vision statements should consist of: 4. Evaluation: Set in place appropriate methods for continually evaluating progress toward the vision and, based on this ongoing feedback, for reformulating the action plan. 5. Strategy for altering objectives in accordance with formative evaluation data: Articulate a change strategy that includes a plan for altering the objectives.
Supportive Administration “The technology plan is driven by the school vision rather than by the technology itself”. Technology plans undergo review and approval by many outside groups. Some are reviewed and approved at the state or even federal levels. "Build a technology plan around teachers' needs, and they will come." (Ken Eastwood, assistant superintendent for curriculum, instruction, and technology, Oswego City School District, New York).
Supportive Administration Technology Plan: Major Components review of technology status, needs assessment, and other pre-planning products vision/goal statements equity issues instructional uses of technology student technology standards staff technology standards integration into core curriculum pilot program and action research management uses of technology student information systems (National Center for Educational Statistics)
Supportive Administration Technology Plan: Major Components infrastructure and support for infrastructure, including such facilities- related needs as air conditioning/cooling and asbestos abatement review of current "state of the art" for options in design of infrastructure capabilities of hardware and software, projections of "next generation" capabilities and features acceptance and management of donated computing resources long-range goals inventory control issues, such as maintenance and replacement cycle (National Center for Educational Statistics)
Supportive Administration Technology Plan: Major Components budget projections and funding sources for initial installation, hardware, and software staff training programs benchmarking standards quality control components security planning (National Center for Educational Statistics)
Supportive Administration "Leadership is the single most important factor affecting the successful integration of technology. This is true at the state level and at the school level. Schools which have made the most progress are those with energetic and committed leaders." From a 1998 study by the SouthEast and Islands Regional Technology in Education Consortium. (National Center for Educational Statistics)
Supportive Administration Different Studies on the role of the administrators: “Studies have indicated that knowledgeable school administrators contribute significantly to the proper integration of technology” (Beach & Vacca, 1985). “Technology training for instructional leaders is vital to the successful infusion of technology into the daily instructional and administrative routine of our public schools” (Bruder, 1990). “Principals…must have a solid base of knowledge to draw on” (Rockman & Sloan, 1993). “Administrators were concerned with the acquisition of technology rather than what would take place after the technology arrived” (Brooks, 1997).
Supportive Administration Results of four studies: Purpose - To look at the administrators role in technology planning. (Brooks, 1997) Results - Principals: focus on acquisition of technology have little knowledge of the technology purchased Recommendations – Principals need to: Make informed budgeting decisions Recognize the ability of technology to change/ improve education Play “ an active role in the planning and implementation of technology ” Create professional development opportunities for teachers (
Supportive Administration Results of four studies: Purpose - To determine the technology competence of administrators. (Beaver, 1991) Results – Participants reported: Little or no technological competence Competent computer use as important to success on the job Little or no technology training Recommendations – Administrators need: Practical applications of productivity tools Group discussions of relevant technology issues Individual and group projects to develop skills that meet their needs and interests (
Supportive Administration Results of four studies: Purpose - To identify the role of administrators in the implementation of technology. (Beach & Vacca, 1985) Results – Computer use is an important part of the school program 84% of principals rated themselves as novice computer users Recommendations - Administrators should be flexible and adaptable in order to successfully implement educational technology (
Supportive Administration Results of four studies: Purpose - The principal’s role as a technology leader. (Heaton & Washington,1998) Results – Development and implementation of the school technology plan Ways to support technology training for teachers Funding and selection of hardware and software Supporting instructional applications of technology Recommendations – Administrators need training that includes: Ways of becoming an instructional leader Context based skills development Discussions of relevant technology issues (
Supportive Administration Technology Training for Administrators: Understanding technology management issues – providing proper funding for training and support managing software and hardware acquisition and upgrades technology planning budgeting for technology training and support knowing technology standards for students and instructional personnel participating in the development and implementation of the school/district technology plan developing personal and staff development programs comprehending ethical and legal issues related to technology use (
Supportive Administration Technology Training for Administrators: Impact of technology on educational change – create a supportive environment for change support changes in instruction that encourage teachers to become facilitators of learning learn ways to encourage students to take a more active role in their own learning develop long range plans that adapt the vision/mission of the school to include the infusion of technology across the curriculum (
Supportive Administration Technology Training for Administrators: Administrative uses of technology – learning ways to communicate with students, teachers, and parents analyzing and organizing data to make informed decisions encouraging teachers ’ administrative use of technology utilizing Internet resources for personal professional development staying abreast of current literature in instructional technology and related fields (
Supportive Administration Members of the Technology Standards for School Administrators (TSSA) Collaborative: (major national administrators organizations) American Association of School Administrators National Association of Elementary School Principals National Association of Secondary School Principals National School Board Association Association of Education Service Agencies International Society for Technology in Education Consortium for School Networking North Central Regional Technology North Central Regional Education Laboratory Southern Regional Educational Board Kentucky Department of Education Mississippi Department of Education University of North Carolina Principals' Executive Program Western Michigan University College of Education
Supportive Administration TSSA standards focus on the following six areas: 1. Leadership and Vision. School administrators should provide leadership by developing and promoting both a long-range vision and a comprehensive plan to integrate technology in schools and districts. 2. Learning and Teaching. Education leaders should ensure the successful infusion of technology into all aspects of teaching and learning by attending to issues such as curricular design, instructional strategies, learning environments, and appropriate technology purchases. 3. Productivity and Professional Practice. School leaders should make use of technology in their own work to improve school management, collaboration, communication, and their own professional development. (
Supportive Administration TSSA standards focus on the following six areas: 4. Support, Management, and Operations. Administrators should be actively involved in planning for all aspects of technology implementation — including technology compatibility, budgetary elements, staffing, technical support, and technology upgrade issues. 5. Assessment and Evaluation. Administrators should take leadership in the use of the assessment and data-gathering capabilities of technology to improve student learning, professional development, and administrative and operational systems. 6. Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues. School leaders need to comprehend and develop policies about the social, legal, and ethical aspects of technology usage, to communicate those policies to staff and students, and to enforce those policies when necessary. (
Supportive Administration International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has adopted the Technology Standards for School Administrators (TSSA) standards as the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS*A)
Supportive Administration THE TOP TEN TECHNOLOGY DISTRICTS Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District 11 (Minnesota) Baltimore City Public Schools (Maryland) Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District (North Carolina) Henrico County Public Schools (Virginia) Lake Washington School District #414 (Washington) Lemon Grove School District (California) Oswego City School District (New York) Plano Independent School District (Texas) Township High School District 214 (Illinois) Western Heights School District (Oklahoma) (
Supportive Administration References: