P&E TCs Ashwani K. Gupta Director, P&E Group January 4, 2010
Agenda Introduction JPC in 2012 and 2013-Keith/Gupta/Chenevy JPC 2010 – Tech Chair: Lance Chenault, Exec Chair: Dr. Woodrow Whitlow) – (sponsorship: Jacobs Technology/ATA, NASA Marshall, NASA GRC, NASA Stennis) + Seeking support from GE Aviation, Honeywell, Aerojet, Lockheed Martin Company, ATK, Rolls Royce, Moog,..) JPC San Diego -Don Malloy --Tech. chair (General Chair- Alon Musk, CEO and CTO of SpaceX, Executive Chair: ??, Sponsorship,…) JPC steering committee chair - All Educational – Ian Halliwell Updates from Staff Update from Aug meeting TC chair reports - 5 minute each Other Business
P&E Organization Deputy Director Air-Breathing Propulsion Jeff Hamstra Aerospace Power Systems TC Terrestrial Energy Systems TC Gas Turbine Engines TC High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion TC Air Breathing Propulsion Integration TC Deputy Director Rocket & Space Propulsion I-Shih Chang Hybrid Rockets TC Liquid Propulsion TC Solid Rockets TC Electric Propulsion TC Nuclear & Future Flight Propulsion TC Energetic Components & Systems TC Propellants & Combustion TC Deputy Director Advanced Propulsion & Technologies Selma Goldstein Director Propulsion & Energy Ashwani Gupta Deputy Director Energy David Lilley Green Energy Tech. (GET) Working Group Bill Lear / V. Lyons
P&E Group Directors Director – Ashwani K. Gupta Phone: Deputy Director, Air-Breathing Propulsion - Jeff Hamstra Phone: Deputy Director, Rocket & Space Propulsion - I-Shih Chang Phone: Deputy Director, Advanced Propulsion & Technologies - Selma Goldstein Phone: Deputy Director, Energy - David Lilley Phone:
TC Chair (* = New TC chair) NamePositionAffiliation Energy TC's Dr. David LilleyChair – Terrestrial EnergyOklahoma State University Harout AyvazianChair – Aerospace Power SystemsThe Boeing Company Past Chair: Mr. Michael Piszczor, NASA Glenn Research Center Propulsion TC's ABPDr. Ray Best Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Hawker Beechcraft Dr. Robert Bruckner Gas Turbine Engines NASA GRC Dr. Marty Bradley High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Boeing Phantom Works Past Chair ABP, Dr. Clarence Chenault, Ohio Aerospace Institute Rocket * Prof. Lyon King Chair - Electric PropulsionMichigan Tech Univ. Space Past Chair, Dan Goebel, Jet Propulsion Lab Prop. * Arif Karabeyoglu Chair - Hybrid RocketsSPG Corp Past Chair: Dr. Andrew Prince, ATK Thiokol * Mr. Scott Miller Chair - Liquid Propulsion Aerojet Corp. Past Chair: Carl Engelbrecht, Johns Hopkins Univ/APL * Mr. Clyde Carr Chair - Solid Rockets ATK, Baltimore, MD Past Chair: Thomas Moore, ATK Tactical Prop & Controls, Baltimore, MD Advanced Karl RInk Chair - Energetic Components & SystemsUniversity of Idaho Prop. Past Chair: Dr. Barry T. Neyer, Perkin Elmer Optoelectronics * Mr. Bryan Palaszewski, Chair - Nuclear & Future Flight PropulsionNASA GRC Past chair: Benjamin B. Donahue, Boeing Prof. Fred Gouldin,Chair - Propellants & Combustion Cornell University Past Chair: Dr. Keith McManus, GE Global Research
TAC Organization Vice President Groups of Discipline and Technology Committees Staff Liaison Committee Liaisons Deputy VP Groups of Technology Integration, Systems, and Program Committees Database And IT Interaction New InitiativesNew Programs
Future JPC Planning JPC Locations 2004Ft. Lauderdale, Pratt&Whitney 2005Tucson, Raytheon 2006Sacramento, Aerojet 2007Cincinnati, GE 2008Hartford, Pratt & Whitney 2009Denver, LM 2010 Nashville ( NASA GRC, Jacobs Technology/ATA, NASA Marshall, NASA Stennis ) + update from AIAA (Cecilia?) 2011San Diego, (sponsorship??) – update from AIAA (Cecilia?) 2012TBD Charleston, Montreal, Boston, Baltimore, Savannah (P&E 7/20/08) 2013TBD Seattle, Anchorage, Albuquerque, San Jose 2014Cleveland (Potential sponsorsship: Battelle, NASA, WPAFB,..) 2015
JPC Statistics JPC
IECEC Statistics IECEC
JPC 09 Technical Conference Expectation Approximately 717 Abstracts Submitted Approximately 38 Abstracts Rejected Typical 15% Withdrawal/No-Show Expect ~ 580 paper in ~150 sessions Status as of Aug. 1 st : 503 Uploaded, 87 Pending Keynotes and Special Panel Sessions Apollo Anniversary Panel (Monday) 2 Keynote (Tuesday & Wednesday) and Awards Speakers 10 Special Panel Sessions –Organized by Academic, Technical, and General Chair, and their delegates –2 on Public Policy, including a OSTP Public Consultation Session Ad Hoc Special Sessions (Ares, X-51, Prof. K. Kuo [3])
2009 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT 45 th JPC VIP Guests/Speakers PositionSpeaker/Panel Chair Candidate Monday “Innovation in Launch and Space System Propulsion” Conf. Opening ActivityApollo Anniversary Panel – Coordinated & Chaired by Bob Dickman, Exec. Dir. AIAA (Arnie Aldrich, Gerry Griffin, Glynn Lunney, Frank Van Rensselaer, J.R. Thompson, Harrison "Jack" Schmitt, Bob Sieck) JPC Welcome to Colorado – “Workforce Development and the Future of Aerospace in Colorado” Colorado Lt. Gov. Barbara O’Brien Exec Dinner HostJohn Karas, Vice President LM Space Systems Co., Humand Flight Systems Tuesday “Innovation in Aeronautical and Exo-Atmospheric Propulsion” AM Keynote SpeakerDr. Werner Dahm (USAF Chief Scientist) Evening:Denver Museum of Nature and Science Wednesday “Innovation’s Future” AM Keynote SpeakerBrian Duffy (LMC, VP): Innovation’s Future - Constellation Initiatives Luncheon SpeakerGen. Bob Kehler (USAF Space Command) Intro by Mike Gass (Pres. United Launch Alliance)
2009 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT 45 th JPC Panels, Chairs, and Members PositionPanel Chair CandidateContact LeadStatus Monday “Innovation in Launch and Space Vehicle Applications” Monday AM Panel “Innovation in Launch Vehicle Applications – Boosters” Co-Chairs: R. Johnson (The Aerospace Corp.) R. Kendall (Aerospace), J. Sponnick (ULA), B. Tiller (NASA/MSFC), M. Vozoff (SpaceX) Monday Early PM Panel “Innovation in Launch Vehicle Appltns - Upper Stages” Chair: G. Sowers (United Launch Alliance) K. Chojnacki (NASA/MSFC), B. Kutter (ULA ), M. Vozoff (SpaceX), M. Wilkins (ULA), Monday Late PM Panels a) “Innovation in In-Space Prop., Customer Views” b) “Industry Challenges for the Next Generation Tactical Propulsion System” a) Chair: J. Henderson (LMSSC Prop.Fellow) & W. Smith (Aerojet, Exe.Dir.BD) P. Garrison (JPL), Col. J. Maestas (USAF/SC), D. Bair (Echostar) b) Chair/Coord: J. Neidert K. Maikis (NAMMO), C. Shanholtz (Raytheon), K. Tappe (ATK), F. Tse (NSWC), B. Waltz (Aerojet), K. Naumann (Bayem- Chemie), J. Fleming (Roxel UK), J. Hurdle (GD-ATP) Tuesday “Innovation in Aeronautic and Trans-Atmospheric Applications” Tuesday AM Panel “Commercial Aero- space – Towards Greater Fuel Efficiency” Chair:, Dr. J. Sabris (Chief Engineer, Systems Analysis & Aerodynamics, PW) L. Bruno (Hamilton Sundstrand), C. Colin (Goodrich) Tuesday PM Panel “Addressing Aviation Energy Demand through Propulsion Efficiency“ Chair: Dr. J. Kenyon (Assoc. Dir. Aerospace Tech., Office Secretary of Defense) D. Carlson (GE Aviation) F. Collier (NASA), B. Koop (AFRL), J. Sabris (PW), J. Moorehouse (LM Aero) Tuesday Early PM Panel ““Military Aero – F35 Prop. Integration” Chair: J.D. McFarlan (LM Aeronautics, VP. F-35 Development) T. Johnson (PW), Capt. J. Martins (USAF), J. Gspandl (GE Aviation)) Tuesday Late PM Panel “Where Next in Hypersonics? A View from Industry ” Chair: Prof. Mark Lewis (U. Md., School of Eng.) J. Castro (PW), L. McKinney (McKinney), G. Orton (Boeing) Wednesday “Innovation’s Past and Future Applications” Wednesday AM Panel “Best & Worst of Times in Space Flt.” Chair: Dr. E. Rice (Orbitec) Allan McDonald (Orbitec) and Dr. James Hansen (Auburn) Wednesday PM Panel “OSTP - Biennial Update to National Plan for Aeronautics R&D and Related Infrastructure” Co-Chairs: Dr. R. Samanta Roy (OSTP) and Dr. J. Shin (NASA) A President’s Office of Science and Technology Policy “Public Consultation” session
2009 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT Paper Upload & Withdraw Percentages
2009 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT Paper Upload & Withdraw %’s (cont.)
2009 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT Paper Upload & Withdraw %’s (cont.)
2009 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT Paper Upload & Withdraw %’s (cont.)
Technical Activities Committee Potential New Award: Fred Billig Award in Hypersonics Proposed by HyTASP PC To recognize sustained outstanding contributions and achievements in the advancement of hypersonic systems or related technologies AIAA Hypersonics conference: 250 papers, 400 attendees –Community size about 1000; 18-month award cycle Selection Committee includes member of HSABP TC Has permission to use Billig name Needs consultation and revision Establish need: provide examples of contributions that would not merit recognition with an existing AIAA award Provide evidence of consultation with TCs responsible for (reasonably) related existing awards. If similar contributions could be recognized with multiple awards, provide a strategy for managing this. Document community size Spell out award criteria and minimum threshold
Technical Activities Committee PPC has defined 3 categories of position papers AIAA Information Paper: Information only- no formal recommendation on a course AIAA Member/Group Position Paper: May include formal government recommendation AIAA Position Paper: provides an objective and balanced study with a clear AIAA position on the best course of action by government to address issues of interest or concern to AIAA members. This is the most stringent of the Public Policy papers, and therefore has the strictest guidelines for approval.
Technical Activities Committee The TAC Position Paper process Authoring Committee TAC Propose AIAA position Revise Peer Review Committee TAC Guidance Establish review committee Complete? Pass COI? Approve? Revise To BoD No Yes No Yes No Yes Revise Review and comment Assess w.r.t. criteria
Technical Activities Committee Action Items in Managing Events Consolidation/co-location Determine strategies for co-location or consolidation –Identify events to bring together for the long-term, not just one or two years – start the detailed planning early Avoid “two events in the same place” mindset –If different “models” – pick one. Don’t stay with two. Make it a better event for both communities Clarifying Conference and Sponsorship budgets Registration fees should cover basic costs Sponsorships should cover costs+visibility+margin 20
TAC’s role in AIAA Growth Strategic Plan has lots of BHAGs They cross all eight VP areas Most relate in some way to our technical “programs” (That’s what we are about, after all) We have two technical strategic imperatives Aerospace efficiency/Energy technologies Monitor and reduce Environmental Impacts We must grow, or eventually die Is TAC postured to lead??? 21
IECEC and JPC were co-located in Denver What does this mean? Program structure is the same for both conferences which makes merging conferences relatively straight forward Each conference will have its own assigned rooms Both Planning committees will meet in Orlando to work on finalizing the program and co-sponsored sessions Both conferences have the same deadline dates and registration fee, and those that purchase the proceedings will have access to all papers Each conference had it's own call for papers, including a line by the title of the conference that says “including (other conference's name)” Listings will be combined for prel. and final program to give people the best outlook to what they can expect the program to be on-site. Hopefully with the strength of both programs we can increase the over all Conference attendance * International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC)
Passport to the Future Teacher Workshop (3-4 August) Objective is to provide K-12 teachers materials to explain the aerospace industry and demystify math and science for their students, Concurrent sessions will focus on hands-on standards based activities. Participants can network with other educators from across the country and share ideas on how to inspire your students. This event was created for teachers who are interested in astronautics and aeronautics and want to learn about the technical side of hands-on activities. The grade level focus is from kindergarten to grade 12. Teachers may attend technical exhibits, plenary session and technical sessions. Contact: Lisa Bacon at (AIAA Manager, Pre-College Outreach/Student Activities
JPC Conference Sessions - Topics Aircraft Propulsion; Air Breathing, Combined Cycle Systems and Components Air Breathing Propulsion Integration (ABP - 7 Sessions) Gas-Turbine Engine (GTE – 14 Sessions) Hypersonic and Combined Cycle Propulsion (HYP - 16 Sessions, includes 1 panel) System Concepts and Supporting Propulsion Technology (SCP - 10 Sessions, incl’s 1 panel) Rockets & Space Propulsion Space & Earth-to-Orbit Vehicle Systems (VS - 7 Sessions, includes 1 panel) Electric Propulsion (EP - 21 Sessions) Liquid Rocket Propulsion (LP - 31 Sessions) Hybrid Rocket Propulsion (HR - 6 Sessions, includes 1 K.K. Kuo) Solid Rocket Propulsion (SR - 15 Sessions, includes 1 K.K. Kuo) In-space Propulsion Technologies (ISP - 2 Sessions, includes 1 panel) Advanced Propulsion & Technologies Advanced Propulsion Concepts for Future Flight (APC - 6 Sessions) Energetic Components & Systems (ECS - 4 Sessions) Ground Test (GT - 8 Sessions) Nuclear & Future Flight Propulsion Systems (NFF - 6 Sessions) Propellants & Combustion (PC - 17 Sessions, includes 1 K.K. Kuo) History & Education History (HIS - 2 Sessions, plus 2 joint with LP) Propulsion Education (EDU - 2 Sessions)
2009 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT 45 th JPC VIP Guests/Speakers PositionSpeaker/Panel Chair Candidate Monday “Innovation in Launch and Space System Propulsion” Conf. Opening ActivityApollo Anniversary Panel – Coordinated & Chaired by Bob Dickman, Exec. Dir. AIAA (Arnie Aldrich, Gerry Griffin, Glynn Lunney, Frank Van Rensselaer, J.R. Thompson, Harrison "Jack" Schmitt, Bob Sieck) JPC Welcome to Colorado – “Workforce Development and the Future of Aerospace in Colorado” Colorado Lt. Gov. Barbara O’Brien Exec Dinner HostJohn Karas, Vice President LM Space Systems Co., Humand Flight Systems Tuesday “Innovation in Aeronautical and Exo-Atmospheric Propulsion” AM Keynote SpeakerDr. Werner Dahm (USAF Chief Scientist) Evening:Denver Museum of Nature and Science Wednesday “Innovation’s Future” AM Keynote SpeakerBrian Duffy (LMC, VP): Innovation’s Future - Constellation Initiatives Luncheon SpeakerGen. Bob Kehler (USAF Space Command) Intro by Mike Gass (Pres. United Launch Alliance)
2009 JOINT PROPULSION CONFERENCE & EXHIBIT 45 th JPC Panels, Chairs, and Members PositionPanel Chair CandidateContact LeadStatus Monday “Innovation in Launch and Space Vehicle Applications” Monday AM Panel “Innovation in Launch Vehicle Applications – Boosters” Co-Chairs: R. Johnson (The Aerospace Corp.) R. Kendall (Aerospace), J. Sponnick (ULA), B. Tiller (NASA/MSFC), M. Vozoff (SpaceX) Monday Early PM Panel “Innovation in Launch Vehicle Appltns - Upper Stages” Chair: G. Sowers (United Launch Alliance) K. Chojnacki (NASA/MSFC), B. Kutter (ULA ), M. Vozoff (SpaceX), M. Wilkins (ULA), Monday Late PM Panels a) “Innovation in In-Space Prop., Customer Views” b) “Industry Challenges for the Next Generation Tactical Propulsion System” a) Chair: J. Henderson (LMSSC Prop.Fellow) & W. Smith (Aerojet, Exe.Dir.BD) P. Garrison (JPL), Col. J. Maestas (USAF/SC), D. Bair (Echostar) b) Chair/Coord: J. Neidert K. Maikis (NAMMO), C. Shanholtz (Raytheon), K. Tappe (ATK), F. Tse (NSWC), B. Waltz (Aerojet), K. Naumann (Bayem- Chemie), J. Fleming (Roxel UK), J. Hurdle (GD-ATP) Tuesday “Innovation in Aeronautic and Trans-Atmospheric Applications” Tuesday AM Panel “Commercial Aero- space – Towards Greater Fuel Efficiency” Chair:, Dr. J. Sabris (Chief Engineer, Systems Analysis & Aerodynamics, PW) L. Bruno (Hamilton Sundstrand), C. Colin (Goodrich) Tuesday PM Panel “Addressing Aviation Energy Demand through Propulsion Efficiency“ Chair: Dr. J. Kenyon (Assoc. Dir. Aerospace Tech., Office Secretary of Defense) D. Carlson (GE Aviation) F. Collier (NASA), B. Koop (AFRL), J. Sabris (PW), J. Moorehouse (LM Aero) Tuesday Early PM Panel ““Military Aero – F35 Prop. Integration” Chair: J.D. McFarlan (LM Aeronautics, VP. F-35 Development) T. Johnson (PW), Capt. J. Martins (USAF), J. Gspandl (GE Aviation)) Tuesday Late PM Panel “Where Next in Hypersonics? A View from Industry ” Chair: Prof. Mark Lewis (U. Md., School of Eng.) J. Castro (PW), L. McKinney (McKinney), G. Orton (Boeing) Wednesday “Innovation’s Past and Future Applications” Wednesday AM Panel “Best & Worst of Times in Space Flt.” Chair: Dr. E. Rice (Orbitec) Allan McDonald (Orbitec) and Dr. James Hansen (Auburn) Wednesday PM Panel “OSTP - Biennial Update to National Plan for Aeronautics R&D and Related Infrastructure” Co-Chairs: Dr. R. Samanta Roy (OSTP) and Dr. J. Shin (NASA) A President’s Office of Science and Technology Policy “Public Consultation” session
TAC guideline for new awards
Conference Costs per Head -BD
Keynote Panel & Speakers Monday AM Technical Conference Opening Activity Apollo Anniversary Panel (in place of Keynote) –Chair: Bob Dickman, Exec. Dir. AIAA –Panelists: Arnie Aldrich, Gerry Griffin, Glynn Lunney, Frank Van Rensselaer, J.R. Thompson, Harrison "Jack" Schmitt, Bob Sieck –Greetings from Colorado Lt. Gov. Barbara O’Brien Tuesday AM Keynote Dr. Werner Dahm, USAF Chief Scientist Wednesday AM Keynote Brian Duffy, Lockheed Martin, VP, Altair Programs Mgr Wednesday Awards Banquet At convention center open to all conference attendees as included in their registration fees Speaker – Gen. Bob Kehler USAF/SC
Technical Conference Expectation Approximately ~835 Abstracts Submitted Approximately 38 Abstracts Rejected Typical 15% Withdrawal/No-Show Expect ~ 680 paper in 174 sessions Keynotes and Special Panel Sessions Apollo Anniversary Panel (Monday) 2 Keynote (Tuesday & Wednesday) and Awards Speakers 10 Special Panel Sessions –Organized by Academic, Technical, and General Chair, and their delegates (including LM Fellows J. Hamstra & J. Clarke) –2 on Public Policy, including a OSTP Public Consultation Session Ad Hoc Special Sessions (Ares, X-51, Prof. K. Kuo [3])
34 Institute Results as of 30 June 2009 (in thousands)
35 Continuing Ops as of 30 June 2009
36 Top Ten Leading Performance Key Indicators June ‘09
37 Continuing Operations By VP June 2009 (Includes AMS Allocation)