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Bail out: the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money is lodged to guarantee their appearance in court. Trial: a formal examination of evidence in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings. Convict: a person found guilty of an offence against the law, esp. one who is sentenced to imprisonment Parole: the temporary or permanent release of a prisoner before the expiry of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior. Testify: give evidence as a witness in a law court.
© 2011 wheresjenny.com EnglishFrench bail outPayer Une caution trialprocès convictdétenu paroleliberté conditionnelle testifytémoigner
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Jaywalking Domestic Violence Misdemeanour Crimes Felony Crimes
© 2011 wheresjenny.com Witness Bail - out Traffic OffenseCapital Punishment
© 2011 wheresjenny.com 1.“This is a stick-up! Empty the cash register and put all the money in this bag.” 2.“I plead not guilty.” 3.“Call 911! I just saw someone running out of the bank with a gun.” 4.“I'm going to prove that the defendant is guilty of this crime.” 5.“We find the defendant not guilty.” 6.“You were driving 30 miles an hour over the speed limit.” 7.“Bail is set at $10000.” WitnessJuryHighway Patrol Officer DefendantJudge ThiefProsecutor
© 2011 wheresjenny.com 1.Nora stuffed three sweaters into her handbag and left the store without paying for the items. She was charged with _________. 2.Frankie broke three windows of his neighbors house and threw eggs at the garage door. He was charged with _________. 3.Albert signed someone else's name on several cheques and then cashed them at the bank. He was charged with _________. 4.The old man hit his wife so hard she ended up in hospital. He was charged with ________. 5.When Bart punched the man in the face, the man fell down and hit his head on the sidewalk and died. Bart was charged with _______. 6.The two men used guns and knives to force the pilot to land the plane. They were charged with _____________. ForgeryHijackingVandalism Shoplifting Manslaughter Domestic Abuse
© 2011 wheresjenny.com PunishmentType of OffenseIn the court 1.Lethal injection 2.Jaywalking 3.Judge 4.Vandalism 5.Lawyer 6.Execution 7.Witness stand 8.Death penalty 9.Gavel 10.Parole Put the words on the left in the correct category