1.What was Clarence Gideon accused of in June of 1961? 2.Why was Mr. Gideon denied a lawyer? 3.Who wrote the unamimous opinion in Gideon versus Wainwright? 4.The Supreme Court overturned which court case ruling in Gideon v. Wainwright? 5.What happened to Mr. Gideon in his retrial? Please read page 374, Landmark Supreme Court Cases. Write questions and answer.
List the general types of criminal cases Explain the procedures in a criminal court case
End of First Semester is 5 days away! Ch. 15 test will be on Friday,
Bell ringer Web Map – Penalties for Crimes 8 Review questions you should know … Web Map
Bell ringer Web Map – Penalties for Crimes 8 Review questions you should know … Web Map
Penalties For Crimes
Punishment by fine Or imprisonment Depending on Severity of crime Penalties For Crimes
Penalties protect Society by keeping Dangerous people In jail Punishment by fine Or imprisonment Depending on Severity of crime Penalties For Crimes
Penalties serve as A warning or deterrent To others thinking About breaking law Penalties protect Society by keeping Dangerous people In jail Punishment by fine Or imprisonment Depending on Severity of crime Penalties For Crimes
Serious crimes With serious Consequences Are what? What was the first Known system Of law? Roman emperors Would issue _____, Which were Commands like laws. What is a term for A law written by A legislative branch Of government? What is the only Crime defined By the Constitution? Who decides If there is Sufficient Evidence to formally Charge a suspect With a crime A negotiation Between the defense And prosecutor Is called what? What are legal Decisions that become Part of common law?
The science Or philosophy of law Disagreements Over non criminal matters Legal action in which A person or group Sues to collect damages Twelve people who Must reach a Unanimous verdict To convict or Acquit in a federal trial System of law Based on previous Court decisions Good reason to Believe that a Place contains Illegal goods, Evidence, or a Wanted person Obstructing or Interfering with The judicial process Punishes accused Criminals without A trial or fair Hearing in court
Penalties serve as A warning or deterrent To others thinking About breaking law Penalties protect Society by keeping Dangerous people In jail Penalties also allow For rehabilitation of Criminal while in prison Punishment by fine Or imprisonment Depending on Severity of crime Penalties For Crimes
Parole is allowed; Critics argue that Criminals do not serve their full terms Penalties serve as A warning or deterrent To others thinking About breaking law Penalties protect Society by keeping Dangerous people In jail Penalties also allow For rehabilitation of Criminal while in prison Punishment by fine Or imprisonment Depending on Severity of crime Penalties For Crimes
Penalties For Crimes __________ by fine Or imprisonment Depending on Severity of crime Penalties also allow For ________of Criminal while in prison Penalties protect Society by keeping Dangerous people In _______ __________ sentences now mean judges have No flexibility in Deciding punishment Penalties serve as A warning or ____________ To others thinking About breaking law _______ is allowed; Critics argue that Criminals do not serve their full terms
1.Why does Mike get arrested? 2.What advice does Mike’s friend give him as he is arrested? 3.Why is Mike’s crime considered a felony? 4.How often was Mike in court after his arrest? 5.What was Mike’s sentence for his crime? Please copy down the questions (10) ; please skip three lines per question
6.How much is Mike ordered to pay as restitution to the camera shop? 7.What set of rules did Mike’s parents give him after his arrest? 8. What are the four basic reasons why people shoplift? 9.How does Ricardo’s shoplifting record affecting the rest of his life? 10. How much more probation does Mike have left? Please copy down the questions (10)
List the general types of criminal cases Explain the procedures in a criminal court case
End of First Semester is 4 days away! Ch. 15 test will be today
Bell ringer Three Column Chart – Steps in the Criminal Process Video – Shoplifting Ch. 15 test (open book)
Criminal cases follow several steps At each step, defendant is entitled to protections of _______ process Cases begin with ______ of a suspect
A suspect is arrested and read his _______ Right to remain _____, have an ______ present, right to a court appointed attorney and right to stop answering ________ Suspect is booked (___________ and ___________)
1.What do civil lawsuits usually involve? 2.What is the court’s job in civil cases? 3.What is a negligence suit? 4.What would someone want from an equity suit? 5.How do suits of equity differ from other lawsuits? Please copy down questions (10); Please skip 3 lines per question. Thanks.
6)What is the purpose of the discovery process? 7)When does each side exchange the pleadings documents? 8)Why are most civil cases settled before they go to court? 9)What does it mean to show a preponderance of evidence? 10)What does it mean if a losing side in a court case wants to appeal the case? Please copy down questions (10); Please skip 3 lines per question. Thanks.
List the general types of criminal cases Explain the procedures in a criminal court case
Bell ringer Three Column Chart – Steps in the Criminal Process Video – Shoplifting HWK – GR 15-1 (due on Thursday, 1.10)
A hearing takes place soon after arrest; informed of ________ Back to jail, bail or free on own ________ __________ – formal hearing where a plea is entered
______ is picked; both sides try to avoid harmful jurors ______ statements _______presents its case; then defense goes Both sides may cross _______ witnesses Closing arguments