Challenge In the New Year’s time people often drink and drive home from parties. That could result not only in accidents and damage but also in loosing their driving licence. REMARK: creative solution is considering the State Law of Slovenia, which says that if you have more than 1.5 promille of alchocol in your blood, you loose your driving licence and you have to go back to driving school.
Solution On the parking lots infront of the bars and restaurants we put well-known signs for DRIVING SCHOOL on the roofs of the parked cars, immitating the real driving school signs. Thus we reminded the potentially drunk driver that if he gets caught for drunk- driving, he could end up in a driving school again. On the same time we offered him an easy solution - phone number of the Intertours Taxi Service.
Execution – the DRIVING SCHOOL sign
Execution – ambient
Results Response to the guerilla action was amazing, people were taking sings as a souvenir and the demand for Intertours Taxi Service rose for estimated 30 %.