Mistakes In Thesis:Improvement Not a thesis writing style Format Problem statement-issues Literature review – related & update: latest references Ch 3-Methodology Analysis
MGM4999A & B Revise A as well when you start with B Update and changes Results Analysis Writing style – thesis format
Chapter 3 The Research Methodology Research population Sample Data collection method Question types and formats Questionnaire construction
Continue… The respondents-how many?, how distribute and collect back, response rate? Response profile- usable response, incomplete, ?sent out Statistical method used for data analysis-ranking? mean? Regression? Etc…. Summary
Ch 4/5 Results and Analysis Findings Presents the results based on analysis In table? Charts? – all with name Need to analyses all the related data being collected
Chapter 5 Conclusions and recommendations Only discuss on the results – based on what researchers done May discuss on the impact-managers/management/organisation, employees, customers? – depends on your research!
Continue…recommendation May suggest for the company Contribution to the literature-if related Contribution of the present study to organisation Implications … may be to the managers, organisations, Malaysia etc. Limitation and suggestions for future research Conclusions
Bibliography/ References Need to follow standard format E.g Book - Andrews, D and Stalick, S (1994) Business Process Reengineering: The Survival Guide, Yourdon Press Computing Series Journal/article - Parasuraman, A, Zeithaml, V A and Berry, L (1988) “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality’, Journal of Retailing, 12-40
Continue… Appendices - Support the research such as questionnaire, list of interview questions, photos, map, cutting paper etc.
Complete Proofread, proofread, proofread! All the best
General comment Format-layout-Font size-neat Numbering system Content-subject line-tally Title (towards the end) Supporting material-table-source Data collection – how, why, when
Comment-PROTON References-only websites?; journal, cutting paper, text Questionnaire-revised-layout/format of the questions Format-font size, numbering etc Literature search-support-other chapters as well Sources of references ? During explanation eg Ch 3, Ch 4
School-Coop Title? Pg number ? Source of references-Literature support (need to improve a lot) Chapter 3: incomplete; you’re writing in advance before things happened eg 3.6 Spelling error
Service online Acknowledgement-really really acknowledge people Chapter 1-Introduction/background Write the problem pg 5 before the research was conducted Source/table/heading for chapters etc Related information only References-how
Driving school Preliminary part?-executive summary etc…. Define-source of references-eg pg 10 Literature with year How to choose the sample Revise the questionnaire (eg sect C) more clear/neat; error free; spelling
Tabung Haji Spelling error Layout-font size?-numbering system References/ source with year Coherent Questionnaire-revise: may need open ended Q
Pajak Gadai References-keep up date Literature review Format/layout Chapter’s content Abstract/executive summary Chapter 3 Revise
Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Literature Source of information Methodology References-Journal? Text? Questionnaire-any references Revise
Air Asia Literature-references Methodology-how, when. Why Chapters covered: Bab ?/heading-revise Content
Credit card Need to revise again-proposal/Chapter 1-3 Preliminary part Chapters involved Questionnaire
Reminder Chap 1????-guideline Introduction Problem Statement Research background Research objectives Hypothesis Conclusion
Overall Continue with Chapter 4 and 5 Don’t forget-improved/polished previous chapters Put effort Plagiarism Try your very best Aim for A