Rotary Clubs fostering Youth Driver Awareness
Young people are over-represented in road crashes People aged years make up over a quarter of all road deaths and injuries … but represent less than 15% of the population. * Road Deaths Australia 2008 Statistical Summary – May 2009
- Why are young drivers involved in Road Crashes... - over confidence and risk taking - driver inexperience - having friends as passengers - alcohol, drugs … busy lifestyles - a developing brain
The RYDA Program …. One day school excursion for Yr 10/11 students One day school excursion for Yr 10/11 students Held at an offsite venue (where possible) Held at an offsite venue (where possible) Designed for about students per day Designed for about students per day
The day is broken up into six sessions – groups of students
PLAN B Presented by TAFE representative or Youth Councillors
HAZARD DISTRACTIONS & RISK Presented by a Driving Instructor
STOPPING DISTANCES Presented by local Driving School
MY WHEELS Presented by RAA or local insurance broker, teacher, car dealer
‘YOUR CHOICE’ Presented by SA Police
CRASH SURVIVOR Presented by a crash survivor (& ambulance representative if possible)
RYDA focuses on … Attitude and Awareness and addresses the students as both drivers and passengers
The RYDA program is funded by a nominal charge to students and sponsorship provided by local & state government, businesses and Rotary Clubs
RYDA Australia Limited A not-for-profit company controlled by members of Rotary that …. A not-for-profit company controlled by members of Rotary that …. - maintains the program to ensure relevance, currency and consistency in content and presentation. - provides assistance with establishing venues and on-going support with financial management. - represents a professionally managed organisation dedicated to road safety education for youth.
BOC Limited is the Founding Sponsor of RYDA and they support the national office of RYDA Australia Limited
RYDA is a community based initiative of Rotary Clubs Rotary volunteers facilitate attendance of schools and coordinate each program day
The RYDA program is very good for young people …and for Rotary ! …and for Rotary !
The RYDA Program … Established for over ten years Established for over ten years Over 200,000 Year 11 students Over 200,000 Year 11 students 70+ venues throughout Australia 70+ venues throughout Australia
RYDA – District 9500 Clubs running the program AdelaideGawler Adelaide SouthGroup 6 Barossa DistrictLargs Bay Barossa ValleyPort Pirie Charles Sturt, Grange Salisbury Clare
Include the RYDA program as a youth project in your club Include the RYDA program as a youth project in your club Contact your local high schools and encourage them to attend the RYDA program Contact your local high schools and encourage them to attend the RYDA program Club members to help facilitate the running of program days Club members to help facilitate the running of program days Donate cash to help subsidise students attending RYDA Donate cash to help subsidise students attending RYDA How can a club help RYDA ?
Youth … Our future, our inspiration, our responsibility