FAMS Oct 9, 2006 MSP NSF-FAU-SBBC 0 NSF Math Science Partnership Institute FAU and School Board of Broward County
FAMS Oct 9, 2006 MSP NSF-FAU-SBBC 1 MSP InstituteM ath S cience P artnership $3.3M awarded August 1, 2004 and $273K awarded August 1, 2006 by N ational S cience F oundation research program response to No Child Left Behind F lorida A tlantic U niversity Department of Mathematical Sciences S chool B oard of B roward C ounty Based on 10 years of prior NSF funding for FAU/SBBC teacher enhancement projects Standards Mapped Graduate Education and Mentoring for Middle School Math Teachers 5 years: August 2004 – July 2009
FAMS Oct 9, 2006 MSP NSF-FAU-SBBC 2 MSP Institute Goals University impact: increase relevance and timeliness of University education for Middle Grade Math teachers new Master’s Degree in Middle School Math offered by the FAU Dept. of Mathematical Sciences as part of the existing MST (Master of Science in Teaching) degree curriculum developed by the MSP Institute partners District impact: enhance the content knowledge and performance of Middle Grade teachers to deliver quality mathematics education community and hierarchy of teacher leaders and trainers Student impact: demonstrate a positive impact on student classroom performance and standardized tests ongoing evaluation, classroom visits, benchmark test analysis
FAMS Oct 9, 2006 MSP NSF-FAU-SBBC 3 MSP Institute Components New Degree: Master of Science in Teaching strand for Middle Grades Math through the FAU Department of Mathematical Sciences Evening Classes: Spring and Fall semester MST classes at FAU Davie or SBBC sites Spring and Fall Saturday Pedagogy meetings Summer Institute: 3 weeks for teachers taking MST classes 1 week of preparation for workshops 2 weeks for participating teachers introduction to MSP program/technology/content/style prerequisite for MST classes Stipend for participating teachers through July 2009
FAMS Oct 9, 2006 MSP NSF-FAU-SBBC 4 MSP people and contacts FAU Heinz-Otto Peitgen Richard F. Voss Heinrich Niederhausen for FAU Application process SBBC Rachel M. Dixon Judy A. Jordan Frank J. Vodolo
FAMS Oct 9, 2006 MSP NSF-FAU-SBBC 5 more MSP information Florida Atlantic University: additional details and MST degree and course information National Science Foundation: program objectives and summary information on individual partnerships
FAMS Oct 9, 2006 MSP NSF-FAU-SBBC 6 integration of technology important component of the MSP Institute university instruction middle grade classrooms presentation, spreadsheet, dynamic geometry basic instruction examples of best practice when it is appropriate and when it is not expert teacher leaders and trainers 2006 Supplement Dr. Markus Hohenwarter Uni. Salzburg Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, developer of GeoGebra continuing refinement of Open Source (free) software for mathematics education