Manson School District
Middle School Strategies Our schoolwide strategies are created within the context of the Manson School Board Ends Policies, and are noted below. ELA Alignment with Common Core work with ESD (EP 2A) Growth Mindset “Brainiology” Com (EP 2C) Advisories / Schoolwide Emphases(EP 2B) ELL & Oral Language Development (EP 2A) Read Right Strategies (EP 2A) Gear Up SSIT with instructional staff Instructional Framework – Marzano
Middle School Data Sources NWEA / MAPS WELPA state assessment 8 th Science MSP 13/14 STAR Attendance Data Discipline Entries Coming Soon: Smarter Balance Assessments
Middle School Summary MAPS 8 th Reading = 62% Growth Math = 80% Growth 7 th Reading = 76% GrowthMath = 88% Growth 6 th Reading = 71% GrowthMath = 64% Growth AFTERS 33/142 students participated in 30 or more days. READ RIGHT 20 students / 1.4 levels of growth / Gates Test 100% Growth AMAO 50.0% of ELL students met AMAO Target 1 (All above level 1) 10.1% of ELL transitioned from the bilingual count – WA goal 7.7% 51.0% Met Achievement Reading Goal 43.6% Met Achievement Math Goal
MS Growth Goals Examples from Mr. Mumley 8th Grade Life Science The spring ’14 Science MSP indicated that only 37% of students met or exceeded standard in the “Inquiry” domain of the assessment. The target class will be the current year (’14-’15) 8th graders. By the end of the school year 50% of students will meet or exceed standard, an increase of 13%, on the middle school science MSP. The final assessment for this goal will be the Spring ’15 Science MSP but student progress will be measured throughout the year on various assessments from the start of the year through the spring. 8th Grade Life Science The initial classroom assessment with the current 8th grade class indicated that there were a number of students who were not meeting or approaching standard for the inquiry sub-category. This subgroup of 8th graders will be monitored more closely in our classroom units and upcoming assessments for specific growth. 100% of these students will increase at least 10 percent on classroom-based assessments. The final assessment for this goal will be our final classroom assessment which will come shortly before the MSP is taken in May. Progress throughout the year will be measured on other classroom assessments.