EMERGING PROGRAMME Bob Osborne Housing and Planning Directorate
EMERGING PROGRAMME 1.Context for market renewal in MSP 2.Current Programme 3.Emerging Programme 4.Next steps
HISTORICAL CONTEXT Collapse of industrial employment and the shift of employment out of the Cities Provision of new housing in outer conurbation and new towns Poor quality replacement housing and limited choice for home owners
LEGACY High levels of urban decay Poor quality mixed use environment Pork quality and limited choice of housing for current and potential home owners Poor quality social housing Negative social trends concentrated in some/many neighbourhoods
NEW MSP CONTEXT Employment and economic growth for the core of the conurbation Population growth after five decades of decline Other new and positive drivers such as economic migration, City Centre Living, gentrification.
CURRENT PROGRAMME Laying the foundations for substantial change in a number of neighbourhoods Significant progress in removing unsustainable stock and assembling sites for development Only part way through the process, the big wins have still to be secured
EXPENDITURE To Date2005/06Total Site/Developer£19.2m£26.1m£45.4m Private Rented/RSL£1.7m£4.6m£6.3m Facelifts£16.8m£8.9m£25.8m Home Ownership£2.6m£5.1m£7.7m Sust. Neighbh’ds£15.5m£9.2m£24.6m Delivery Secretariat£8.0m£7.1m£15.2m
OUTPUTS 2003/042004/05Forecast Properties acquired ,267 Properties demolished ,726 Hectares land New homes8912,1141,011 Facelifts1,3704,32313,417 Non housing env. works6,12711,8429,543
FOCUSING THE PROGRAMME 1.Areas of Major Investment (Transformation) 2.Area of Stabilisation 3.Need to align with URC vision & priorities 4.Private Rented Sector 5.Delivery
AREAS OF MAJOR INVESTMENT (TRANSFORMATION) CHARACTERISTICS EnglandManchesterSalfordAreas of Transformation Average House Prices(2004)£178,558£111,228£110,253£50,698 Void Rate (2005)3.2%7.5%6.1%12.5% Proportion of LA properties classed as “Low Demand”* (2004) -25.8%-66.6% Worklessness Rate (2004)-26.0%20.3%37.3% Proportion of pupils achieving 5+ GCSEs at Grade C or above (2004) 53.4%39.5%38.3%31.6% No. burglaries per 1,000 households (2004) No. incidences of vehicle crime per 1,000 households (2004) * Data available for Manchester only
AMI (TRANSFORMATION) HMR INVESTMENT 2006/072007/082008/092009/10 Seedley/Langworthy£5.3m£4.3m£2.7m£3.5m North Irwell£2.3m£2.5m£4.6m£0.9m Broughton£6.9m£9.3m£8.3m£10.7m
WHAT’S NOT INCLUDED URC priorities: – Pendleton – Chapel Street NDC non contractual commitments: – Gerald Rd home improvements etc Weaste Need to consider prioritisation of above – what would we do first when resources allow
EMERGING HMR PROGRAMME SPEND IN SALFORD YEARPATHFINDER ALLOCATION LESS DELIVERY AND PRS COSTS AVAILABLE FOR SALFORD COMMENTS £55m£1.3m£17.7mAll contractually committed £55m£1.3m£17.7mAll contractually committed £55m£1.3m£16.7mAll contractually committed £55m£1.3m£15.7mAll contractually committed £55m£1.3m£14.7mAll contractually committed
CHALLENGES Need to reprofile 20% cut 05/06 Costs of relocation Use and values of capital receipts Securing successful new developments Affordable housing Family housing Sequencing of land release/protecting fragile markets
CHALLENGES Urban density Local service provision Managing the process of change Securing private sector/other investment Deploying other resources to support the programme
NEXT STEPS Long term Delivery Plans for each AMIs (Transformation) Focus on total funding, housing and social infrastructure Focus on new development, release of land, land receipts, service provision, timing and sequencing Review process by Pathfinder Board Members and English Partnerships, NWDA and Housing Corporation
NEXT STEPS Further work on private rented sector, land receipts and relocation costs Policies on other matters such as efficiency and update on risk Scheme Update scrutinised by full Board Consultation with URC Governance and delivery adapted to scrutinise and support implementation arrangements such as AMIs.