Webcast October 25,
Webcast Topics: Agency Updates KBE Update CIITS Update Standards Update (Proficiency) PGES Update 2 Send questions to
3 ISN Newsletter KBE Board Meeting – October 8 th and December 4th REL Appalachia Math Event Agency Updates
4 CIITS Leadership Custom Roles Now Available (District and School) ACT Scores are in CIITS Enhancement to CIITS Gradebook Transfer Process Version 15.2 Enhancements (first week of November) Additional CIITS Support Group Reminders Advisory Group-October 30 th in Frankfort Focus Group in NKY-Nov. 4 th at the Gateway Community and Technical College District Webcast-November 21 st CIITS Update
6 CIITS School District Highlight Data analysis protocols developed: regular scheduled proficiency checks are done using CIITS. Each month teachers in their PLC’s review and analyze student assessment data using Data Analysis Protocol sheets created by the district. Building capacity in the district: CAO/DTC attended regional trainings offered by the GRREC Education Cooperative. They conducted small group trainings at each grade level in each school, and also offered an optional PD that teachers could attend on a flexible PD day (plan to use RTTT funds for school level coaches). As a result, CIITS “go to people” (early adopters) have emerged in each school.
7 “The CIITS program is helping improve Math instruction at the 4 th grade level. By using the results and immediate feedback from each assessment, I am able to pinpoint the areas of strength and the areas that need improvement and reteach or provide individualized instruction. Having the bank of questions, directly aligned with each standard, available when I’m creating assessments takes the guesswork out of creating questions that are aligned with the standards and meeting the depth of knowledge necessary to prepare my students for success on the state test.” -Jennifer Coldiron, 4 th grade teacher at Hopkins Elementary School “I have used CIITS data (Item Analysis) from proficiency measures to reflect on what I have taught and it has shown me what I need to re-teach, as well as what my students are not understanding.” -Teresa Bach, 2 nd grade teacher at Hopkins Elementary School “CIITS has become an integral part of my planning. I use the skills and item analysis to decide which skills I need to reteach – and to whom I need to reteach. I am using CIITS as a piece of info when it comes to intervention. I have become a much better test maker and administrator because of CIITS. I also use CIITS to know FOR SURE which skills have been mastered – allows me to differentiate instruction. The resources at the bottom of the home page allow me to share resources not only within my classroom but to parents as well.” -Cindy Mounce, 1 st grade teacher at Hopkins Elementary School
Math Initiative KDE Proficiency Plan Math Content Coaching KCM(Kentucky Center for Mathematics) Cohorts I and II KDE Consultants Cohort-Instructional Specialists, Effectiveness Coaches, and Special Education Math Consultants Primary RTI Math Circles Cohorts I and II-KDE/KCM Collaboration MSP Grants-Intermediate RTI Math Circles and GRREC Online Mathematics Professional Learning Conceptual Building Blocks Math Modules Training-CBB Special Education Math Consultants Math Wiki K-12 Unit/Task Development
District Highlight – Rowan County – Designated a PGES Lead to help coordinate and monitor district implementation – Current Observation Status – Window 1 3 Observations in Progress 3 Observations in Draft 13 Observations Completed – “PGES has been better than we expected!” 9 Professional Growth & Effectiveness System
PPGES – Val-Ed 360°- administration is underway – Goal setting is being completed – Planning for first site visit should be occurring – collaboration with superintendent – KLA Regional Training – Day 2 coming in November 10 Professional Growth & Effectiveness System
The 2013 TELL Kentucky Survey asked about Professional Development (PD)
KBE TELL Priority Areas of Focus New Teacher Support Managing Student Conduct Community Engagement and Support
Interventions Custom Tab in IC Beginning in January 2014, schools will be required to enter information on intervention plans for students into Infinite Campus. The new Intervention Tab, a custom state tab developed by KDE, will collect intervention data for students in kindergarten through 12 th grade. The Intervention Tab will collect data on the nature of interventions that students are receiving and the outcomes of those interventions. Training will be forthcoming to aid schools as they prepare for using this tab within Infinite Campus. Questions on the intervention tab design can be directed to April Pieper at or Nick Easter at
Restraint & Seclusion Update Kentucky Education Television (KET) celebrated the success of Promoting Positive Behavior in Schools, the KDE-provided, web-based option for the training for all school personnel as required by Section 6 (1) of 704 KAR 7:160, The Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools. Staff from the KDE and the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) attended the celebration to learn that as of October 7, 2013 there has been 50,000 certificates of completion issued!704 KAR 7:160, The Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools The results from the participant survey revealed positive feedback: 84 percent said the course was excellent or very good; 97 percent believe that the course will make them more effective in helping to prevent problem behaviors; and 99 percent of participants said that the course improved their understanding of the role they play in maintaining a positive climate in their school.
PD360 Resources New content release within PD360 – Using Data to Close the Achievement Gap