Olympia School District School Board Study Session September Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Steps of School Improvement 2014 Results MSP-HSPE-EOC By subgroup Showing SBA field test effect Compare neighbor districts Score suppression if >=95% DATA DASHBOARD UPDATES
A refresher on AYP…….
We returned to AYP (adequate yearly progress) and the steps of school improvement
Schools needed 100% at standard to Meet AYP. Only Title 1 schools had consequences (letter home, school choice, supplemental services)
2014 Scores by grade and subgroup State scores Olympia scores Scores for Special Education and Low Income students Adjusting scores to show effect of Centennial and Jefferson taking the SBA (Smarter Balanced Assessment) field test.
2014 results – Grade scores with all schools 2014 scores without Centennial *click for 2013 scores removing Centennial
2014 results – Grade scores with all schools 2014 scores without Centennial *click for 2013 scores removing Centennial
2014 results – Grade scores with all schools 2014 scores without Centennial *click for 2013 scores removing Centennial
2014 results – Grade scores with all schools 2014 scores without Jefferson *click for 2013 scores removing Jefferson
2014 results – Grade scores with all schools 2014 scores without Jefferson *click for 2013 scores removing Jefferson
2014 results – Grade scores with all schools 2014 scores without Jefferson *click for 2013 scores removing Jefferson
2014 results – Grade 10
Grade 3 by district Note: many of our previous comparison districts had all schools test on the SBA field test, making it impossible to compare scores. For 2014 district comparison we used the state scores, and our neighbor district scores to show if our trends were typical.
Grade 4 by district
Grade 5 by district Example on next slide: when our scores appear low, it can be informative to use the OSPI report card to analyze strand data
5 th grade MSP Math strands (compared to state average as a baseline) Why did Procedures and Concepts go below state average in ?
6 th grade by district Example on next slide: when our scores appear HIGH, it can be informative to use the OSPI report card to analyze strand data
7 th grade by district
8 th grade by district
New for 2014 Score suppression if >=95% passing OPSI Report Card OSD Score Sheet
With or without SBA Field test? 3 rd grade Middle 3 columns are 2013 and 2014 WITHOUT Centennial Grey columns on either side represent 2013 WITH Centennial, and 2014 IF WE ADD Centennial back.
With or without SBA Field test? 4th grade Middle 3 columns are 2013 and 2014 WITHOUT Centennial Grey columns on either side represent 2013 WITH Centennial, and 2014 IF WE ADD Centennial back.
With or without SBA Field test? 5th grade Middle 3 columns are 2013 and 2014 WITHOUT Centennial Grey columns on either side represent 2013 WITH Centennial, and 2014 IF WE ADD Centennial back.
With or without SBA Field test? 6th grade Middle 3 columns are 2013 and 2014 WITHOUT Jefferson Grey columns on either side represent 2013 WITH Jefferson, and 2014 IF WE ADD Jefferson back.
With or without SBA Field test? 7th grade Middle 3 columns are 2013 and 2014 WITHOUT Jefferson Grey columns on either side represent 2013 WITH Jefferson, and 2014 IF WE ADD Jefferson back.
With or without SBA Field test? 8th grade Middle 3 columns are 2013 and 2014 WITHOUT Jefferson Grey columns on either side represent 2013 WITH Jefferson, and 2014 IF WE ADD Jefferson back.