Consultation on BSL Act Heads of Services Forum
Mark Griffin MSP 30 th October 2012 is deadline for responses
Proposals Minister with responsibility for BSL Minister with responsibility for BSL Government and public body action plans to promote the language Government and public body action plans to promote the language Action plans published Action plans published May be a panel of fluent BSL users to advise ministers May be a panel of fluent BSL users to advise ministers
What isn’t in the proposal No mention of education No mention of education Equality Act UK means difficult to discuss education, goods or services Equality Act UK means difficult to discuss education, goods or services Promotion of the language and more public recognition Promotion of the language and more public recognition May lead to Government focusing more on advice for education about BSL user May lead to Government focusing more on advice for education about BSL user
Consultation questions Available as a pdf on SCOD website and translated into BSL Available as a pdf on SCOD website and translated into BSL Could you get pupils to respond? Could you get pupils to respond? Could you respond yourself? Could you respond yourself? Wide responses, positive or negative, are important Wide responses, positive or negative, are important your responses to Mark your responses to Mark
Overview of Questions Do you support the general aim of the proposed BSL Bill? Do you support the general aim of the proposed BSL Bill? Do you believe legislation is required? If not, what other non-legislative means can be followed? Do you believe legislation is required? If not, what other non-legislative means can be followed? What, if any, might be the main benefits of the proposed Bill? Do you see any challenges? What, if any, might be the main benefits of the proposed Bill? Do you see any challenges?
Overview of Questions Do you agree with the case for taking specific action to promote BSL (as opposed to other minority languages)? Do you agree with the case for taking specific action to promote BSL (as opposed to other minority languages)? To what extent might this proposed Bill improve awareness of the case for access to free BSL classes for deaf children and their families? What other non-legislative measures might be required? To what extent might this proposed Bill improve awareness of the case for access to free BSL classes for deaf children and their families? What other non-legislative measures might be required? Should there be a designated Minister to take the lead on BSL in the Scottish Government or should this be the responsibility of all Scottish Ministers? Should there be a designated Minister to take the lead on BSL in the Scottish Government or should this be the responsibility of all Scottish Ministers?
Overview of Questions Do you believe an Advisory Board of BSL users should be established, to advise the designated minister or all Scottish Ministers? Do you believe an Advisory Board of BSL users should be established, to advise the designated minister or all Scottish Ministers? Relevant public authorities will have to develop BSL action plans. Should there be a detailed list of such authorities? Relevant public authorities will have to develop BSL action plans. Should there be a detailed list of such authorities? What financial implications do you envisage the proposed Bill would have for you or your organisation? What financial implications do you envisage the proposed Bill would have for you or your organisation? Do you believe if this proposed Bill becomes law, it will have a positive or negative impact on equality and diversity within your organisation? Do you believe if this proposed Bill becomes law, it will have a positive or negative impact on equality and diversity within your organisation?
Please respond to Mark and encourage colleagues to do so too Please respond to Mark and encourage colleagues to do so too If you would like to, send copies of responses to the SSC as it would be interesting to see the range of views going in – could be a good newsletter article If you would like to, send copies of responses to the SSC as it would be interesting to see the range of views going in – could be a good newsletter article Contact Rachel on Contact Rachel on if you have any questions about doing if you have any questions about doing a response a response