Placing the Person at the centre of what we do How Making Safeguarding Personal supports Outcome Focused Practice Yvonne Phillips Safeguarding Adults Quality.


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Presentation transcript:

Placing the Person at the centre of what we do How Making Safeguarding Personal supports Outcome Focused Practice Yvonne Phillips Safeguarding Adults Quality Assurance and Policy Standards Officer Tel: Mob: | 04/02/2015

Introduction Safeguarding Adults Unit KCC Head of Adult Safeguarding Safeguarding Adults Policy Standards and Quality Assurance – Project Manage Making Safeguarding Personal Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Office Safeguarding Planning Safeguarding Adults Multi-Agency Board location Interfaces include Self Neglect Quality In Care Central Referral Unit

Starting Point Commenced as project to provide: Adult protection information for people Collect feedback to improve practice Initial research by Kent and Medway Health and Social Services colleagues

Background Supported by steering group including ADASS and LGA, RiPfA, TCSW and key academics. 53 Councils took part 43 reported back Area of work addressed in Kent was the Bronze level which included

Aims Enhanced social work practice to ensure that vulnerable adults have an opportunity to discuss the outcomes they want at the start of safeguarding activity; Follow-up discussions with vulnerable adults at the end of safeguarding activity to see to what extent their desired outcomes have been met; Recording the results in a way that can be used to inform practice and provide aggregated outcomes information for Boards

National Findings Findings from Kent and the 42 other councils involved in the project report enhancements in practice, understanding and acting upon the safeguarding outcomes people want.

Pilot in Kent Completed between October 2013 – January Older Persons and Physical Disability 1 Learning Disability Team

Involvements included Project executive and management SG Unit Project Board /Team(s) CCG SG lead, – NHS Acute Trust SG lead, FSC OPPD, LD,MH Performance and Information Communications 3rd Party Involvements Advocacy, KCHA for Providers, Training consultant Service User Representatives Police Diocese Community wardens

Importance of outcome focused practice Improved engagement with vulnerable adults and/or their representatives in every case. A culture shift in practitioners involved from the process to placing the vulnerable adult at the centre. The importance of capturing both quantitative and qualitative data Integration of Mental Capacity Act Development of Advocacy Services Resource involved Highlights of Kent Participation in Making Safeguarding Personal at Bronze Level

Engage- ment Clear End Person and/or Rep. Time to consult Greater Clarity MCA

Person Central Good Practice Practi- tioner Direct Feedback Respect MA Person Tools

Where desired outcomes were discussed and recorded at commencement of safeguarding involvement; 100% were fully or partially achieved at conclusion. OUTCOME RESULTS OF CASES COMMENCED AND COMPLETED IN PILOT PERIOD 01/10/13 – 10/01/14 Vulnerable adults who received a safeguarding service which commenced and came to a conclusion in the period 01/10/13 – 10/01/ Of those referrals the number of vulnerable adults (or someone acting for them) who expressed the outcomes they wanted initially Of the vulnerable adults who expressed their desired out comes, the number of vulnerable adults whose outcomes were realised Fully % Of the vulnerable adults who expressed their desired out comes, the number of vulnerable adults whose outcomes were realised Partly 213.3% The Number of vulnerable adults who realised their outcomes either fully or partly as a % of all safeguarding referral participants concluded in the period 01/10/13 – 10/01/ The importance of outcome focus practice

Sample of cases commenced prior to the pilot period where desired outcomes was not focused upon at commencement - those fully or partially achieved was lower at 60% than where they were fully discussed at commencement(100%). OUTCOME RESULTS OF CASES THAT COMPLETED ONLY IN PILOT PERIOD 01/10/13 – 10/01/14 BUT WERE COMMENCED PRIOR TO PILOT date 01/10/13 Vulnerable adults who received a safeguarding service which commenced and came to a conclusion in the period 01/10/13 – 10/01/ % Of those referrals the number of vulnerable adults (or someone acting for them) who expressed the outcomes they wanted initially. 360% Of the vulnerable adults who expressed their desired out comes, the number of vulnerable adults whose outcomes were realised Fully 240% Of the vulnerable adults who expressed their desired out comes, the number of vulnerable adults whose outcomes were realised Partly 120% The Number of vulnerable adults who realised their outcomes either fully or partly as a % of all safeguarding referral participants concluded in the period 01/10/13 – 10/01/14 360%

Example of Comments Received

Questionnaire piloted at the same time recorded positive quantitative results. Qualitative information provided could inform our quality in care initiatives and our safeguarding practice e.g. ‘more time with the worker’, and ‘confused by who represented which agency’. The importance of capturing both quantitative and qualitative data

1.Were you asked at the beginning what you wanted to happen? 2. Were you listened too? 3. Were we polite and respectful?4. Did you feel your privacy was respected? 5. Were the people you wanted involved?6. Did you know what was happening and why? 7. Were you told what we found out?8. Are you satisfied with the conclusion of the safeguarding investigation? 9. Do you feel that the investigation has made things safer?

Care and Support Act Statutory Guidance References Making Safeguarding Personal In addition to these principles, it is also important that all safeguarding partners take a broad community approach to establishing safeguarding arrangements. It is vital that all organisations recognise that adult safeguarding arrangements are there to protect individuals. We all have different preferences, histories, circumstances and life-styles, so it is unhelpful to prescribe a process that must be followed whenever a concern is raised; Care and Support Statutory Guidance October 2014 provides case to help illustrate this.

Voluntary Organisations -Advocacy Voluntary organisations need to work with commissioners and the SAB to agree how their role fits alongside the statutory agencies and how they should work together. This will be of particular importance where they are offering information and advice, independent advocacy, and support or counselling services in safeguarding situations. This will include telephone or on-line services CA requires each LA must…. arrange, where appropriate, for an independent advocate to represent and support an adult who is the subject of a safeguarding enquiry or Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) where the adult has ‘substantial difficulty’ in being involved in the process and where there is no other suitable person to represent and support them. Care and Support Statutory Guidance October Voluntary Organisations -Advocacy excerpts. See chapter 7 on advocacy.

National Update There are now 152 Councils engaged with MSP Funding has been secured from DoH for Making Safeguarding Personal to continue as a Programme LGA National Guidance includes Case Studies, Guide, Report of Findings Selection of tools used by participating councils Aggregated Outcomes table that records the voice of the person and Safeguarding Journey literature developed in Kent are within Tools (links provided in attachment to be circulated)

Kent Update Literature is available for use and can be ordered through Feedback from the adult can be sent by post or completed on line. Desired Outcomes of the adult at risk are requested in the new Kent safeguarding alert form(will be live soon) Full adult safeguarding document suite is being developed and outcomes from practice will be captured (by 1 st April)

Thank you For further information Yvonne Phillips Safeguarding Adults Quality Assurance and Policy Standards Officer Tel: Mob: | 18/11/14