Neal Shusterman PowerPoint by Cal Cerny UnWholly Neal Shusterman PowerPoint by Cal Cerny
S Setting UnWholly by Neal Shusterman is told in many different areas. A large portion of the story takes place in North America in the USA. The starts off in a suburban neighborhood in the USA. The story then moves to a house on the east coast that was made to keep the resident of the house very safe. The story then moves to the Grave yard where the majority the story is told. The Graveyard is in a desert in Arizona. The Graveyard is an area where out of commission planes were sent. This area was then taken over by runaway unwinds and made it their home. The Graveyard is supposed to be “secret”, but authority knows that it exists and don’t think that it needs to be infiltrated. They live there until they are 17 and then they can leave because children that are 17 cannot be unwound. Later in the book, cops and the SWAT raid the Graveyard because the authority thinks that they have been burning houses to the ground. All of the unwinds in the Graveyard leave by plane, are capture, killed, or ran away. The ones that left by plane crash landed in a lake in California and are half dead and the rest are wandering the desert. At the Graveyard, they are either dead or got tranq’ed, which leads to them being unwound, which was what happened to half. The ones that escaped in to the desert like Connor are safe and will remain hidden until 17. Drawn in MS Paint. This is the Graveyard where the majority of the story takes place.
CONNOR C Major-Protagonist-Dynamic Connor is the leader of the Graveyard. He is a 14-yearold boy that leads over 700 runaway unwinds. He has long, brown hair and brown eyes. He was once called the “Arcon AWOL” because he was a runaway unwind that made the news because he shot a police with his own tranq gun. He is brave enough to take on the role of leading the unwinds and pushes forward so that the unwinds can reach 17 and have a good future. He like Risa, but does not admit it because of the situation he is in at the moment. He then moves along leading the Graveyard until the climax. This is when he stays behind and fights the Juvies. He gets tranq’ed, but an old friend picks him up and carries him to safety. They then get into a jeep and escape. Him and his friend Lev stay at a model home. Here they watch on TV his friend Risa speak up against unwinding. They find out that she was being blackmailed all along and not betraying them and forgive her. Major-Protagonist-Dynamic
RISA C Major-Protagonist-Dynamic Risa Ward is a AWOL unwind. She is the doctor at the graveyard and has a shattered spine. She has dark hair and blue eyes. Risa is a ward of the state. This means that when she was a child she was sent to a state home because her parents did not want her. Her last name was changed to Ward like all of the other kids sent to a state home. In this book, she does not have much impact on the story until a kid in the graveyard is severely injured. She goes to the hospital for the first time and gives the kid to the nurse. She then is told that the kid is dead. She goes to see the body and sees that he is alive. She finds out that all of the other kids that have “died” in the hospital have been fine and have been sent to be unwound. She does not want this kid to be unwound so she gives herself in knowing that she cannot be unwound because of her broken spine. She is then moved to a cell where she is kept in for weeks. She then gives over to the unwinding side of the battle, and makes pro-unwind commercials. After a few more weeks she gives in to having her spice replaced. She goes through with the surgery and wakes up in a small house on the coast. She now starts her initiation to become Camus’ partner. She works with Cam in many different ways throughout the book and bond. Everything seems fine until she has an appearance on national television. She speaks out against unwinding and reveals to America that she is still who she was before she was captured. Major-Protagonist-Dynamic,r:1,s:0,i:78
C NELSON Nelson is the cop who was shot by Connor with his own tranq pistol. He was humiliated by his peers, his family, the people he works with, and the world. He has gray, balding hair and his most distinct feature is his mismatched eyes. Every time he sells a kid on the black marked, he takes one of their eyes when they are unwound. After he left the force, he moved on to capturing runaway kids or unwinds and then selling them on the black market for a large sum of cash. He then is shown tracking down the character Lev. He soon has Lev in his grasp and is on his way to finding Connor and getting his revenge. At the raid on the Graveyard, Nelson has tracked Lev all the way here. He finds the unconscious Connor on the ground after most of the fighting is done and takes him to his van. Lev ends up shooting Nelson, picks up Connor and puts him in the van, and drives away leaving nelson in the desert night. Nelson is shown waking up in the desert and seems like he is going to continue the search for Connor in the third book. Major-Antagonist-Dynamic
CAMUS C Camus. Taken from front cover of UnWholly Cam, or Camus, his full name, is a boy who was made out of perfect parts from hundreds of unwound kids. When he wakes up, he doesn’t know anything, just words that all of the brains parts from different people have memorized. He starts off with multicolored hair from all of the different kids and many different tones of skin from all of the kids that he is made of. He starts off very confused, but starts to use his many natural talents. He soon finds out that he can speak many languages, play many instruments, is very smart, and can play a lot of sports. He is also very healthy. Throughout the book he is trying to win Risa’s trust as well as her heart. At the end she leaves him and he plans to find he again which will most likely happen in the third book Camus. Taken from front cover of UnWholly Major-Protagonist-Dynamic
STARKEY C Major-Antagonist-Dynamic Starkey is a storked child (baby left at a strangers doorstep) that is shown being picked up by the Juvie-cops at the beginning of the book. While in the cop car, he gets himself free and escapes. He is a lot like a character from Unwind. He is cunning, strong, and power hungry. He comes to the Graveyard and starts a club called the “Stork Club”. This is a club where the strorked children have an hour at the recreation are to talk. Starkey uses this hour to plan a rebellion against Connor’s leadership. Throughout the book he is shown plotting against Connor until the plan is revealed in the climax. He takes all of the storks on the plane that Connor planned to use to get the 700 unwinds away away. He then tells the pilot, Trace, to land the plane. The plan crashes and some kids die from hitting the walls in the crash, or from a projectile hitting them. During the crash, the guns that they have stored comes loose. One of the grenades pins come off and the side of the jet blows up. This causes some other kids to die. He sees the pilot and can save him, but leaves him to drown. The surviving kids and Starkey then wander the desert and will most likely come back in the third book. Major-Antagonist-Dynamic
FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE 1. IMAGERY A. He’s broken his ankle falling in a pit, now its swollen and blue. 295 B. As Starkey comes out of the lake, he can see the blood, thick and sticky. 57 C. The fire burns bright and hot on his skin. 301 D. He’s unshaven, his nails are dirty, and looks like he doesn't take good care of himself. 118 2. FORESHADOWING A. The storks will soon have power in the Graveyard. B. For once, Connor is sure he’s made the right decision. 3. SIMILE “There is a strange type of acceleration, like they're in a speeding car.” 4. METAPHOR A. “You know how they tranq escaped lions and bring them back before they get into a heap of trouble? Well today, you’re the lion” 5. ALLITERATION His deep, dark, and deadly mind has sent him an angry grizzly to maul him.
FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE 6. PERSONIFICATION A. A great flood is swallowing the world. B. The beautiful clouds shined in the sky. 7. ONOMATOPEA A. She hears the telltale pffft of a tranq gun firing. B. “Uuuuuuqly!” He says, savoring the word. C. Ah, so you can put together a coherent thought.
P RISING ACTION The rising action in UnWholly is when Starkey and his group of Storks where going around in the suburbs lighting houses on fire. The first time, they were going to rescue a stork that was going to be unwound. Starkey and his most powerful storks come in, looking menacing and armed. He finds the father and yells at him for unwinding a stork. The stork then comes down from upstairs, not knowing he is going to be unwound, and starts to protect his father. He starts to beat Starkey with a baseball bat. One of Starkey’s men hit the boy with a trophy and he falls to the floor, dead. This Angers Starkey, he beats the father, pours gas all over the house and leaves it to burn. This happens time and time again until authorities start to take notice. They blame the kids at the Graveyard and plan to attack them, leading to the climax. Rising Action – Events leading up to the climax.
P CLIMAX The climax of UnWholly is when the juvie-cops come and attack the Graveyard. They come with cop cars, SWAT cars, and cars to transport the unwinds to harvest camps. The unwinds already know and have made an escape plan. 50 of them will say behind and fight off the cops while the other 650 escape into the desert. This plan all goes wrong. The unwinds plan on the cops using tranq darts but they use live ammo. Half of the defense goes down in the first five minutes. While this is happening, Starkey goes against the plans and lead his group of storks into a plane that works. They escape into the desert night and plan on landing somewhere if the landing gear had not broken during takeoff. The rest of the kids, in mass confusion, run into the night. They have to go into hiding until the are 17. As for Connor, he is tranq’ed but saved by an old friend named Lev. Climax - The most intense, exciting, or important point of the story.
P FALLING ACTION The falling action of UnWholly is when everyone escapes from the jail that they were in. Risa speaks out against unwinding on national television and leaves Roberta’s grasp. Connor and Lev escape to Sunset Ridge Homes, a temporary place to live in a model home. They stay here for about a week planning what they are going to do. The book ends before they leave the home, but will most likely be shown in the third book. Unfortunately for Nelson, he wakes up in the middle of an Arizona desert. He plans to get his revenge on Lev and is shown leaving the desert at the end of the book and will most likely be featured in the third. Falling Action - The resolution to a story.
Character vs. Government The whole group of unwinds that do not like unwinding, are faced with the problems of living in a world where unwinding is shown as a good thing. They want to speak out but are afraid of the government shutting down the Graveyard. They have to deal with ignorant people that think unwinding is a great thing and call them names because they ran away and killed innocent people. For example, when Risa is blackmailed and makes public service announcements, she says things that speak out against her friends, herself, and what she believes in. Clip Art
Character vs. Character Connor is trying to hold his power in the Graveyard as Starkey tries to steal it. Starkey starts the stork club so that he can have a majority of the Graveyard on his side when he tries to steal the power from Connor. Connor fights back on this when he figures out that Starkey is planning this. He gets two huge kid to back him up and has about 20 more standing outside when he confronts Starkey. Connor tries to get to Starkey in handcuffs but the stork club pushes him back. This is when the 20 or so armed kids come in and get the storks to give up. Connor handcuffs Starkey and put him in solitude until he escapes.,r:15,s:0,i:132&tx=38&ty=67
Character vs. Nature C As an unwind, you have to learn how to survive the elements. When they run away, you either find a group that will take you in, or live on your own in nature. By living in nature, you will have to find or steal the necessary items needed to survive. The kids will also have to watch out for the traps laid out by the cops or people who catch kids for the black market.
T Theme The theme of UnWholly is keep what you get, because you may never get it again. For example, parents will give away their one and only child because they or not perfect or they finally give into the ads. The other way is that unwinds will give up their lives to fight the government or help unwinds.
R Resolution The resolution to UnWholly is when all of the characters escape from the “prison” that they are in. Risa is able to escape from Roberta’s grasp by speaking out against unwinding and revealing the blackmail. Roberta tries to make to producer stop the show, but while she is doing that she is deemed unstable and taken away, allowing Risa to escape. Lev escapes from Nelson when he acts like Nelson tranq’ed him, but shoot Nelson in the back while Nelson is driving. Lev ends up leaving nelson in the desert Lev ends up escaping with Connor to plan to take down unwinding.
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