1 Lab Apparatus
2 Beaker To measure approximate volume of liquid. (accurate to 1 ml) e.g. 20 ml
3 Conical flask To measure approximate volume of liquid. (accurate to 1 ml) e.g. 50 ml
4 Measuring cylinder To measure approximate volume of liquid. (accurate to 1 ml) e.g. 30 ml
5 Pipette To measure fixed volume of liquid accurately. (accurate to 0.1 ml) e.g. 5.0 ml, 10.0 ml, 25.0 ml mark
6 Pipette A pipette filler is usually used to draw the liquid up which is then dispensed into a conical flask.
7 Burette To measure a variable volume of liquid accurately. (accurate to 0.1 ml) e.g ml 0 ml mark 50 ml mark
8 Volumetric flask To measure fixed volume of large amount of liquid accurately. (accurate to 0.1 ml) e.g ml, ml
9 Test tubes To contain small amount of solids/liquids for experiments. e.g. 2 ml of dilute HCl
10 Separating funnel To separate out 2 immiscible liquids in a mixture. (immiscible liquids are liquids which do not mix to form one homogenous layer) e.g. oil/water mixture