Significant Figures Number of digits believed to be correct by the person doing the measuring Includes 1 estimated digit Read to 1/10 the smallest division on the measuring device
Beaker Read out to 1/10 of 10mL (1mL) 47 +/- 1mL 2 significant figures
Graduated Cylinder Read out to 1/10 of 1mL (0.1mL) /- 0.1mL 3 significant figures
Buret Read out to 1/10 of 0.1mL (0.01mL) /- 0.01mL 4 significant figures
Significant Figures The number of significant figures is directly linked to the measurement Rough estimate—would use the beaker (2sig figs) but the graduated cylinder would be better Put error at the end to let others know how ‘close’ the measurement is likely to be Does significant figures deal with precision or accuracy?