© 2011 IBM Corporation OSLC Communications Workgroup 21 March 2012
© 2011 IBM Corporation Agenda Pulse Retrospective (OSLC presence) - John Arwe Review actions from last meeting - All Artemis Retrospective (OSLC presence and interests expressed) - from those who attended OSLC Survey - results to date - Sean Kennedy Other topics? OSLC Poster – Parham Vasaiely OSLC Hospitality Suite at Innovate – Sean Kennedy Use of blog and forums – Parham Vasaiely OSLC sessions at Innovate – Andy Gurd Webcast series update – Andy Gurd
© 2011 IBM Corporation OSLC at Pulse Retrospective – John Arwe Switch to slides provided on this topic
© 2011 IBM Corporation Open Actions from last meeting Disseminating OSLC through the future engineering environment: ACTION: Parham will prepare some slides on this and share them at the next comms WG meeting. ACTION: All to submit ideas for future webcast topics and for ways to more widely promote the webcasts to drive greater attendance Guidelines for content contribution: ACTION: All to review and provides comments on the wiki page or to Lee via ACTION: Lee to investigate what might be done to link mailing lists and forums. Software page: ACTION: Andy to discuss with Sean on how we can shorten the list on open-services.net and perhaps have a link through to more details on ibm.com
© 2011 IBM Corporation OSLC at ARTEMIS retrospective All that attended to contribute, plus summary slides from Michael Fiedler
© 2011 IBM Corporation OSLC at the ARTEMIS Technology Conference (Nuremberg) ARTEMIS = Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems Funded by EU and member countries Focus areas: critical safety systems, health care, aerospace, mobile, production, energy, automotive, etc. ARTEMIS Technology Conference – 1 March event focused on interoperability many perspectives on embedded systems development - hardware, compilers, modeling, system engineering, safety, QA OSLC and Lyo Overview presentation Linked data approach to integrations Community overview and “anatomy of a specification” Eclipse Lyo overview – beyond specifications to development Well received – recognition that linked data is a good approach to interoperability Other sessions + Panel discussion OSLC prominent in several presentations around integrated tool platforms Agreement that there is no single approach for all interoperability issues – linked data works for some scenarios, other require lower level/more detailed approaches Primary challenges are organizational/process rather than technical Followed up with a 1 day detailed technical session on Lyo at Siemens in Munich with ~10 of the conference attendees. 6
© 2011 IBM Corporation OSLC 2012 Community Survey Open for respondents throughout March OSLC Comms WG supported and contributed to its development Can be completed in < 5 minutes Optional questions for WG participants, spec implementers, and integration users to provide more details Some mid-way highlights available in a blog post: services.net/blog/oslc-2012-community-survey-two-weeks-in/ services.net/blog/oslc-2012-community-survey-two-weeks-in/ Survey results and analysis will be made available on open-services.net developerWorks blog post already most visited of 2012 (3rd most visited ever) developerWorks blog post
© 2011 IBM Corporation OSLC at Innovate Breakout sessions 18 accepted sessions have ‘OSLC’ or its expansion in title or abstract Across 10 tracks 5 sessions featuring non IBM speakers from: Accenture, EADS, Tieto, Insurance Corp of British Columbia, Bank of China, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Workshop OSLC Enable Your Tool in A Day Solution Center including Interoperability Center OSLC Hospitality Suite
© 2011 IBM Corporation Webcasts to date and planned Jan 19: Making ALM work across multi-vendor and open source solutions with OSLC (presented by Tasktop Technologies)Making ALM work across multi-vendor and open source solutions with OSLC 95 registrations / 50 attendees Feb 2: Systems Engineering Tools Integration and Interoperability using OSLC in the SPRINT project (co-presented by EADS and IBM Research on behalf of SPRINT project)Systems Engineering Tools Integration and Interoperability using OSLC in the SPRINT project 15 attendees Feb 7: Introduction to, and demonstration of, the W3C Community Group Tools (presented by W3C)Introduction to, and demonstration of, the W3C Community Group Tools 7 registrations / 6 attendees Feb 16: Using OSLC in the context of Strategic Planning for IT (presented by Corso)Using OSLC in the context of Strategic Planning for IT 7 registrations / 7 attendees Mar 1: Announcing the Rational OSLC Adapter for Atlassian JIRAAnnouncing the Rational OSLC Adapter for Atlassian JIRA 23 attendees Rescheduled: Mar 22: Highlights of Eclipse Lyo (OSLC Software Development Kit) project Milestone 1Highlights of Eclipse Lyo (OSLC Software Development Kit) project Milestone 1 April 20: Sharing Kovair Experiences in Developing OSLC Based Integrations (to be presented by Kovair)Sharing Kovair Experiences in Developing OSLC Based Integrations