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What information are you going to share? Will your account be for personal use or will you use it professionally? Know your audience!
Twitter is for short, up-to-the-minute information LinkedIn is professional networking Facebook is for sharing your life—personal and/or professional
Wayne SakamotoDave Fear, Jr. Liz GallopsJohn Greene
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Google Alerts ◦ Organization names: NAHU, NAIC, your company ◦ Key words: MLR, exchange, agent commissions ◦ Important people: government officials, Janet
Promote NAHU Message ◦ Know the talking points ◦ Pay attention legislative updates ◦ Read what NAHU is saying Share Information ◦ Anecdotal information (personal stories) ◦ Current events and what officials are saying ◦ Real numbers from reputable studies
Stay Positive ◦ Everything you learned in kindergarten ◦ Don’t be a Debbie Downer ◦ State your credentials When to Post ◦ Is it worth your time and effort? ◦ Are you only posting because you’re angry? ◦ Has someone already said it? ◦ What are you commenting on?
Reasons for a web presence ◦ Grow your business ◦ Keep members informed ◦ Promote your message
Finding the right server ◦ Register your domain ◦ Choose a free service blogspot blogspot livejournal livejournal wordpress wordpress ◦ Hire a consultant
What to say ◦ Have your contact info easy to find ◦ Update it at least once a week ◦ Be responsible in what you say ◦ We can ask you to take it down
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