Rotary International District 1140 – District Assembly 2014 Social Media – A quick summary Nick Drake
Rotary International District 1140 – District Assembly 2014 What is Social Media Websites essentially broadcast information out to people. They don’t lend themselves to being interactive. Social media promotes two way conversations. People can if allowed comment on what is written. Social media is about short and punchy news items. Social media is about now and the future
Rotary International District 1140 – District Assembly 2014 There are a lot of social media tools out there. These are the ones that we would recommend in the order we would recommend them – Facebook – the most widely used product – fastest growing demographic – over 35’s – Linked-In – this is what business people use, not great for advertising events but probably better for membership development. – Twitter – instant short bytes of information – its about sharing the moment or the instant comment. – You Tube – a way of getting your moving images on the web for free. Which Social Media tools?
Rotary International District 1140 – District Assembly 2014 We have looked at this for sometime Results indicate that you are probably better having a club page rather than a club entity. – With pages you don’t get “friend collectors”. – You can have multiple administrators. – You have more control. – You will get the name for the page that you will generally want. Facebook – Person or Page
Rotary International District 1140 – District Assembly 2014 If you are using multiple social media and web platforms integrate them. – When you put a new article on the website make sure your social media pages are updated to reflect this – Point your Social Media pages back at the website for reference information. Integrate you Social Media
Rotary International District 1140 – District Assembly 2014 In Social Media it’s very easy to portray the wrong corporate image – Consider what you write and what images you display – Avoid in jokes that will only entertain the members – Avoid Rotary jargon. Make sure you portray a proper image