aptitude test Yeji Kim Div18
Section I
Section II
Questions 4. What is your dad’s profession? 5. What is your mom’s profession? 4. My dad works at a sushi restaurant named Togo Sushi. It is located in the Center Mall. He makes sushi around five days a week, from morning until evening. He occasionally brings home sushi to eat. My mom does not have a job. However, she works busily at home, cooking, doing the laundry, doing dishes, taking care of our pet dog, and even baking every once in a while. She is a full-time mother. 5. My mom does not have a job. However, she works busily at home, cooking, doing the laundry, doing dishes, taking care of our pet dog, and even baking every once in a while. She is a full-time mother.
Section III (continued) How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? -There are ten provinces and three territories in Canada. Who is the Prime Minister of Canada? -The Prime Minister of Canada is Stephen Harper. Who is the President of the United States? -The President of the United States is Barack Obama.
How many planets is our solar system comprised of? Name them. Our solar system is comprised of eight planets called Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto used to be the ninth planet, but it is now considered a dwarf planet. What is the difference between a fact and an opinion? A fact is a proven statement and is true, while an opinion is a thought or a judgement that is most often not yet proven and is irrational. v.s.
What are 3 current issues taking place around the world? 1.Poverty: Too many people in less fortunate countries are at the brink of starvation and are dying because of their poor lifestyles and the lack of money in the land. Poverty is abundant and children are ill due to dirty water and malnutrition. 2. Environmental Care: People aren’t taking enough care of the world, and forestry is cutting down habitats of poor animals who die due to us humans. Our cars pollute and strip the atmosphere and destroy the environment. 3. Prejudice: Many people are prejudiced and dislike other people because of their heritage, their looks and their culture. They are racist and rude to people with different coloured skin.
Section IV
What would you do if you found $300on the ground? Explain.I would see if anybody in the areais looking for the money. If therewas somebody looking for it, Iwould obviously give it to them.But if not, I would take it becauseit was the owner’s responsibilityanyway.If you and an elderly person gotonto a bus with one seat left, whatwould you do? Explain.I would let the elderly person takethe seat because it would be doinga favour, and taking the seatmyself would be acting selfishly. Explain the difference between right and wrong. Right is something that affects you and others in a positive way while wrong affects everyone in a negative manner.
Section IV (continued) What do you consider a responsible person to be? Explain/describe. I consider a responsible person to be optimistic, organized and cautious and aware of what they are doing. In my opinion, a responsible person would be one who does things orderly and well and manages things the right way. They would follow rules and confess if they committed a wrong act. What are three qualities or characteristics you like about yourself? The first thing I like about myself is that I draw well. Another is that I follow the rules well and the last thing is that I am skilled at reading. What are three qualities or characteristics you dislike about yourself? I dislike that I have a nasty pickiness. I also get easily distracted in class, which disturbs my working habits. The third thing that I don’t like about myself is that I dislike more things about me than what I do like.
Section V How many languages can you speak? I can speak two languages. They are Korean and English. However, I am learning Chinese and will soon learn French at school. Name five things you can tell me about Canada. 1.Canada is a large North American country surrounded by three oceans. 2.Canada has ten provinces and three territories. 3.It contains a province that speaks French (Quebec). 4.Some industries in Canada are known in other countries. 5.Some symbols of Canada include: the maple leaf, the beaver, and the caribou.
Section V (continued) Name five customs or traditions your family celebrates that aren’t seen in Canada. 1 Food: my mom often cooks traditional and popular Korean food at home, such as hotpots and varieties of noodles. 2. Choo-suk: choo-suk is an important Korean holiday in early autumn. We celebrate this special event by eating delicious rice cakes. 3. Seollal: Seollal is the Korean New Year, the most special Korean holiday. There are traditional games and the kids bow in front of their parents and wish them a good year to get money.
Section V (continued)
The end! thanks for watching