Ecogrid & Virtual Laboratory for e-Science Willem Bouten, project leader Floris Sluiter, design & implementation Guido van Reenen, data analysis Victor Mensing, Vlinderstichting Dirk Zoetebier, Sovon Aart Jan van der Linden, Talmon Comm. from field observation to spatial knowledge CBPG
Virtual Laboratory for e-Science Mission To boost e-Science by creating an e-Science environment and carrying out research on methodologies. Essential components -e-Science development areas -a Virtual Laboratory development area -a Large-Scale Distributed computing development area, consisting of high performance networking and grid parts
Virtual Laboratory for e-Science Aim To develop and apply a Grid and Virtual Lab technology based information system and research environment.
Virtual Laboratory for e-Science P1 – e-Science in Applications P2 – generic Virtual Laboratory methodology P3 – large-scale distributes systems P4 – scaling up & validating in real-time applications VL- e The VL-e project has four programme lines, most of them containing more than one subprogramme.
Virtual Laboratory for e-Science P1 – e-Science in Applications SP1 – Data Intensive Science SP2 – Food Informatics SP3 – Medical Diagnosis & Imaging SP4 – Biodiversity SP5 – Bioinformatics ASP SP6 – The Dutch Telescience Laboratory VL- e e-Science in Applications Research of the P1 line is carried out within the following subprogrammes:
Virtual Laboratory for e-Science Biodiversity Aim To develop and apply a Grid and Virtual Lab technology based information system and research environment for identification, distribution, integration and analyses of observations and model results of the dynamics of flora and fauna VL- e e-Science in Applications biodiversity
Virtual Laboratory for e-Science Biodiversity Partners: CBPG –Computational Bio- and Physical Geography (IBED – Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics) (UvA – Universiteit van Amsterdam) RNLAF –Royal Netherlands Airforce VOFF –Association for Research of Flora & Fauna And co-operation with other programme lines, especially subprogrammes of P2 (generic Virtual Laboratory methodology) VL- e e-Science in Applications biodiversity CBPG
Virtual Laboratory for e-Science Biodiversity Two main components: 1.a national database for biodiversity information this talk (Ecogrid) 2.a PSE for integrated analysis of observations and model results topic of Judy Shamoun-Baranes (BAMBAS) VL- e e-Science in Applications biodiversity EcoGrid
Ecogrid Objectives 1.Construct a virtual database that is connected to geographically distributed databases which contain information on the distributions of species, on landscape characteristics and on weather.
Ecogrid Objectives 1.Construct a virtual database that is connected to geographically distributed databases which contain information on the distributions of species, on landscape characteristics and on weather. 2.Develop generic methodologies and tools for scale conversions, to be able to integrate and interpret data that are observed at different spatial scales.
Ecogrid Objectives 1.Construct a virtual database that is connected to geographically distributed databases which contain information on the distributions of species, on landscape characteristics and on weather. 2.Develop generic methodologies and tools for scale conversions, to be able to integrate and interpret data that are observed at different spatial scales. 3.Use this infrastructure across the boundaries of organisations to indentify: - spatial wood web structures - biodiversity hotspots - effects of changed land-use -...
Example: insect diversity and Red-backed Shrikes
Nitrogen dep. }
Initial Situation Vlinderstichting FLORON NMV RAVON BLWG VZZ ANNEMOON EIS-NL Tinea SOVON VOFF { Ecogrid - data acquisition
} central VOFF database Ecogrid - data acquisition observation taxonomy locality SOVON NCO databases
central databases NCO databases Data shared by all NCOs NCO-specific data RAVON
GIS maps etc. ACTIVE MEMBER PKPerson ID central databases SPECIES PKTaxon ID OBSERVATION PKObservation ID Species ID NCO databases OBSERVATOR GROUP FKPerson ID FKObservation ID Main Observator TAXONOMY WEB webpages PERSONS portal login METADATA GIS LOCATION km hok x, y route relevé EXTRA INFO
Spatial functions to query (SQL) within and across layers: Equals() Disjoint() Intersects() Touches() Crosses() Within() Contains() Overlaps() Special indexing techniques (GisT) Layers build with these data types, stored as tables in PostgreSQL/PostGIS. spatial databases
data acquisition portal data acquisition portal EcoGrid virtual meta database Spotfire data mining modules geostatistics scale conversion modules model experiments processed data central databases VOFF central databases VOFF landscape weather VL-eScience Research Environment science portal science portal BAMBAS database Ecogrid system - overview
data acquisition portal data acquisition portal EcoGrid virtual meta database Spotfire data mining modules geostatistics scale conversion modules model experiments processed data landscape weather VL-eScience Research Environment science portal science portal BAMBAS database Ecogrid system - prototype SOVON
Ecogrid - portal prototype
PostgreSQL (and Postgis) are especially suited for large scientific databases By the end of this year all the databases will be populated and we will have online data acquisition. Then we will shift our focus on using the data and concentrate on Analysis and Datamining Concluding remarks