华东师大一附中 姜振骅
The Vincent Van Gogh exhibition
Vincent Willem van Gogh
“An exhibition of some of the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh will open at Cultural Centre next week. Read an art critic’s review of Van Gogh’s life and work.” review: an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives an opinion about a new book, play, film etc life and work.” review
“Certainly, he was not a success in his lifetime.”
style? color?color? subject? stroke? Wheat Field with Cypresses, 1889
Irises, 1889
Vase with 12 sunflowers, 1888
Self-portrait, 1887 Self-portrait, 1889
The Starry Night, 1889 Starry Night Over the Rhone, 1888 Café Terrace at Night , 1888
style? color?color? subject? stroke?
“Certainly, I admire his work tremendously.” “The bright colors and thick strokes of his paintings make the strong feelings inside him visible.” “Even when his subjects are flowers, trees or the sky, his paintings are full of powerful, honest emotions, emotions which finally killed him.” The art critic’s review
“Even when his subjects are flowers, trees or the sky, his paintings are full of ________________emotions, emotions which _________________.” Wheatfield with Crows, 1890 powerful, honest finally killed him
More questions to ponder: 1. What is the writing purpose of the last paragraph? “One hundred years later, in 1990, a Japanese businessman paid US $82 million for one of his works --- a world record.” 2. What is the name of that painting? 3. Why did his fame develop after his death? “For ten years, from 1880 to 1890, Van Gogh produced his best paintings, until, sadly, he took his own life.” 4. What on earth happened to him during the 10 years? …
Homework: 1.Read aloud the review of Van Gogh’s life at least 2 times and try to summarize the features of Van Gogh’s works in your own words. 2. “VINCENT VAN GOGH: PANITED WITH WORDS” Directed by Andrew Hutton