19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL News –Market survey is close to the final state PS requirements for whole box Bricks specification also added –Radiation conditions changed - new simulations –New design started
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL Detailed finger simulations for TID [Gy/10y] ELMB position
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL Radiation situation in the fingers changed –new simulations shows easiest way to build the supply –ELMB level for TID is >33Gy ( survived ~80Gy) ability to use it finally inside LV box precise detail simulations done - confirming results LV box shouldn’t be too dependent on ELMB
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL Samples of LT brick obtained –basic measurements done –50W load –ripple without load = 15mVpp –with full load ( 50W) = ~ 100mVpp ( no output filter ! )
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL New power supply system project in preparation –Specification –Total efficiency computing ( cable requirements included ) –Open questions specified –Cost estimations not yet ready
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL Power overview - conditions : Uin = 65V, wire cross section 2mm^2, cable length 250m
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL total input power of system will be ~200kW with total efficiency 42% or better 1% of efficiency is ~1.5kW of total power 1V of Uin is ~ W of total power Double the voltage means sharing one cable by 2 LV boxes - cable savings
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL New design –new schematics prepared –initial radiation tests in preparation - TCC2 May ‘02 isolated amplifier for feedback & measurements original brick new designed brick
19/2/2002Ivan Hruska EP/ATE LV power supply for TILECAL Conclusion –ELMB is possible to use inside finger –project propagates slower but continues –first radiation tests in preparation