LSE Public Policy Group 30 th June 2010 Peter Coates Programme Manager Sunderland City Council
Local Government Contact Council Contact Council originated from Varney Recommendation Split off from Central Government Contact Council Formal link with LGDC Membership from every English GO region with local distribution network, SOCITM,IDEA,CC Benchmarking Group, One Stop Shop Forum, CLG Established work plan CoP website on hosted by IDEA Consulting/Supporting/influencing role Oversight of LA Contact Activity
Proposition The focus on reducing costs across the public services represents an important opportunity to engineer out non-value-adding communication- which was previously allowed to mushroom. Innovation is needed to replace call centres with online communication where possible and to address ‘hidden call centres’, where myriad employees handle diverse calls that are no longer needed.
The National Context Service Transformation Programme Putting the frontline first:Smarter Government
Service Transformation Service Transformation Agreement (STA) – Reducing avoidable contact by 50%. Rationalisation of contact centres, face to face offices, and websites. Roll out of Tell us Once (TuO) for deaths and births across all LA’s between April 2010 and March 2011 Public Value Programmes (PVP) – ‘Place’ based rationalisation of face to face offices. Simplification of access via reduction of Central and Local Gov number listings. Digital Britain – Interim switchover roadmap Pilot outcomes Full switchover programme commences 2012 Benefits Management – Creation of ‘Centre of Excellence’
Smarter Government Public Accounts Committee require all Government Departments to produce a Channel Strategy by March 2010 Improve outcomes whilst achieving fiscal consolidation Shift major public facing services online Acceleration of channel shift over and above previous plans Near 100% take up by 2014, earlier where feasible Roadmap and delivery plan for 2010 Budget
Reality Increasing contact, particularly NVA is a symptom of poorly designed (or not designed) services and fragmented services. Recently scrapped NI14 AC was a bellwether for an organisation and it’s services. No amount of rationalisation or channel shift will resolve this, simply coping with increasing demand is not an option.
Ideal Solutions Service Redesign-Lean Principles eg HMRC Start with the concept of no contact needed, push vs pull –ToU, staff reporting, prevention If your process does need contact use most inexpensive channel – web, already most used (SOCITM) but if not done well can generate even more AC and dissatisfaction. Technology artificial agents,
Issues/findings No mandatory requirements or targets on Local Gov Availability of capital investment Identity/Authentication Legislation/data sharing Differential pricing concept 100% online not cost effective Digital Channels not always cheaper It’s not about channels but service re-design
Local Gov Threats/Opportunities LA’s could be F2F delivery mechanism for greater range of public services Or could miss out to OGD’s/Post Office LA’s could be central to service re-design and delivery Or could be sidelined for expediency
Shared Services-Getting Serious Neighbourhood Helpline – Shared Front Office advocacy and brokerage service. Blue Badges – Opportunity for a region wide federated model Out of Hours Call Handling including Telecare – significant opportunity
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