Индиректна питања користимо када некога љубазно питатмо за информацију, почевши са изразима као нпр.:
Иза индиректних израза увијек стоји један од упитних везника WH или YES/NO питања, те затим остатак реченице који има нормалан ред ријечи као и у изјавним и одричним реченицама. зависна реченица : главна реченица : зависна реченица : wh или yes/no везник субјекат + предикат +... индиректни израз wh или yes/no везник субјекат + предикат +... if you love me? I wonder if you love me?
Постоје два типа индиректних питања: питања у којима се користе везнициили YES/NO питања у којима се користе везници IF или WHETHER. У директном говору су то питања која почињу са упитним ријечима: DO/DOES/CAN/TO BE. У индиректним питањима DO/DOES се не користе.
WH питања WH питања су питања која почињу са упитним рјечима: WHERE/WHAT/WHY/WHEN/HOW… који у индиректном говору постају везници.
главна реченица : зависна реченица : индиректни израз wh или yes/no везник субјекат + предикат + … I wonder if you love me? Редослијед ријечи :
Direct questions Indirect questions Where are you from? How is she? Where are we meeting? Where do you live? How much money does he earn? Does he like football? Has he got my address? Can you tell me where you are from? Can you tell me how she is? Can you remember where we are meeting? Could you tell me where you live? Could you tell me how much money he earns? Do you know if he likes football? Do you know if he has got my address?
1.What does she do? 2. Does he live around here? 3. What time does the plane leave? 4. Do I need a Visa? 5. How much does this cost? 6. What do people like to listen to while they exercise? 7. Who can I speak to? 8. Do you want to travel around world? 9. Where is the post office? 10. How far is it to London? 11. When is the next train to Liverpool? 12. How often does it rain here? 13. Is she washing up? 14. Are we playing tennis? 1. Can you tell me what she does? 2. Do you know if he lives around here? 3. Can you remember what time the plane leaves? 4. Do you know if I need a Visa? 5. Can you tell me how much this costs? 6. Could you tell us what people like to listen to while they exercise? 7. Do you know who I can speak to? 8. Can you tell me if you want to travel around world? 9. Do you know where the post office is? 10. Can you tell me how far it is to London? 11. Can you tell me when the next train to Liverpool is? 12. Do you know how often if it rains here? 13. Do you know if she`s washing up? 14. Could you tell me if we`re playing tennis?