post office
Find the odd word 1.Postman, pupil, letter, postcard. letter, postcard. 2. Letterbox, poster, envelope, computer. 3. Address, stamp, elephant, paper.
Check your answers 1.Pupil 2.Computer 3.Elephant
Fill in the gaps with these words: a)postcard, b)post office, c) envelope, d)address 1.Where is the…? 2.Write an … on the…. 3.It`s a birthday ….
Check your answers office Where is the post office? 2.address, envelope Write an address on the envelope. 3.postcard It`s a birthday postcard.
Fill in the gaps with these words: a)letters, b)letter, c)letterbox, d)postman 1.I can write you a…. 2.The … brings me two …. 3. What colour is your … ?
Check your answers 1.letter I can write you a letter. 2.postman, letters The postman brings me two letters. 3. letterbox What colour is your letterbox?
Презентация «Почта» к уроку английского языка в 3 классе УМК “ Enjoy English” для 3 класса М.З. Биболетовой и др. Автор : Владимирова Елена Васильевна учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №11 им. Скрипки О.В. г. Волжского Волгоградской области
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