G. Dubb. A.K.A. George Washington
He set up three Departments in the Executive Branch. State Department – to handle foreign affairs – appointed T.J. Treasury Department – to handle financial matters – appointed Alexander Hamilton (A. Ham) War Department – National Defense – Henry Knox (“I’m gonna Knox you out!”)
Attorney General – to handle governments legal matters Postmaster General – direct the post office These five offices are known as the Cabinet
Established federal court system with 13 district courts to serve the nation. Elected John Jay to preside as Chief Justice.
Foreign affairs Military matters
How much a country owes
Federal government would pay off state debts. ◦ Without the states, we wouldn’t have won the American Revolution.
Washinton D.C. Between Virginia and Maryland South agrees to support Hamilton’s Plan
National Bank ◦ Would help build a strong economy. ◦ Tariff – Tax on all imported goods.