20 th president Died during first term Mary 4 th grade
Garfield was born in Orange Township Ohio Nov. 19, 1831 He died 1881 March 4 Charles Guiteau shot him James was elected in 1881 at 50 years old His Political Party was a Republican 1858 Nov. 11 he married Lucrettia Rudolph
His parents were Abram and Eliza Ballou Garfield. Before James was 2, his father died. James siblings were Thomas Mehitabel and Mary. James was the youngest of all his siblings. James was educated he went to Geauga Academy in Chester Ohio. It was 12 miles from his house. At Geauga he studied grammar, mathematics and more
James was married to Lucrettia Rudolph. He had seven children! Garfield didn’t have any pets, he had a farm. James washed sheep everyday James was the youngest of his siblings. James parents had four kids, Thomas, Mary and Mehitabel Before Garfield was two his father died. It was hard, people had to work more around the house
Chester was James vice president. Chester became president after James Garfield ran against Winfield Scott Hancock. Hancock was a Democrat Garfield had 214 votes and Hancock had 155 votes. Garfield defeated Hancock by fewer than 10,000 popular votes
During Garfield’s presidency, there were problems with the U.S Post Office. They were charging more money than their contracts said they could
James led mules that pulled the canal boat. James was called a Hoggee because he pulled the canal boat Chester became president upon Garfield’s death. Chester was the 21 st president Garfield died 80 days after the assassination attempt Garfield got shot in the back. It only took one bullet
James A. Garfield by, Megan M. Gunderson