Curriculum Stuart Anderson Deputy Head of School
Challenges n Curriculum Project is restructuring the academic year – challenge to adapt to a semesterised year. n The need to begin the development of core Informatics in the undergraduate syllabus (that develop the Informatics vision of computation in natural and artificial systems). n Massive increases in the demand at Masters level. We graduate more Masters students per year than we do undergraduates. n Dealing with the fallout from the bursting of the dotcom bubble
Responses n Masters: –Working with Scottish Enterprise to develop innovative approaches to Masters projects. –Adapt to demand, address need for e-science: Collaboration with EPCC on HPC Themes relevant to e-Science: bioinformatics, neuroinformatics, learning from data New theme: Analytical and Scientific Databases Potential new areas: configuration/fabric management, service-centric computing? n Undergraduate: –New first year syllabus: introduces Data and Computation with a strong foundational emphasis and applications drawn from all parts of Informatics. –Commencing re-design of the second year course, take account of issues in configurational systems?