Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon A tool for profiling an area in terms of the population’s receptiveness to travel behaviour change projects 1 Swindon Smarter Travelstyle
Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon Using Smarter TravelStyle to identify target locations Ι What is Smarter TravelStyle? ■ A geo-demographic profiling and targeting system ■ Developed in-house by Steer Davies Gleave ■ Based on the fusion of a commercial geo-demographic system (MOSAIC) and travel behaviour data including from Darlington and New Malden ■ Segments the population according to a combination of travel behaviour and lifestyle variables ■ Based at an individual postcode level, allowing a fine geographical segmentation of the population Ι What does this mean for Swindon? ■ The following slides introduce Smarter TravelStyle, show where the different demographic segments reside across Swindon and highlight areas with a greater propensity for Travel behaviour change
Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon Smarter TravelStyle groups Affluent Professionals Highest participation Car users ABC1Employed High income Married Young Minded Younger Single or co-habiting Students Have car Motorised Lifestyles ABC1C years old 2+ cars Short time at address Urban Challenge Lowest participation Single Divorced years old Poor health No carDE Social grade Independent Elders Small household MarriedWidowed 60+ years old 1 carPoor health State Support All age groups No car DE Social grade Poor health Family Focus C1C2D Large households Married with children Middle aged Traditional Values Small household 1 car Married C2D Social grade Rural ABC1C2 Married 45+ years old 2+ cars
Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon 4 Index of Participation in Smarter Travel Initiatives This chart shows how likely people in each group are likely to participate compared to the average for all households involved. Average participation
Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon 5 Index of Cycle Resource take-up This chart shows how likely people in each group are likely to request cycling resources, such as cycle maps, maintenance sessions (such as Dr. Bike) and cycle training Average 43%
Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon Swindon Borough - Smarter TravelStyle profile Smarter TravelStyle group Number of households (%) Affluent Professionals5,400 (6%) Family Focus7,700 (9%) Independent Elders4,000 (5%) Motorised Lifestyle9,400 (11%) Rural800 (1%) State Support9,700 (11%) Traditional Values18,800 (22%) Urban Challenge3,400 (4%) Young Minded24,900 (30%) Total84,100
Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon Swindon Urban Area - Smarter TravelStyle profile
Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon West Swindon – Smarter TravelStyle profile Smarter TravelStyle group Number of households (%) Affluent Professionals1,150 (10%) Family Focus240 (2%) Independent Elders40 (0%) Motorised Lifestyle2,380 (22%) Rural0 (0%) State Support950 (9%) Traditional Values1,250 (11%) Urban Challenge500 (5%) Young Minded4,430 (41%) Total10,900