CDF Grid at KISTI 정민호, 조기현 *, 김현우, 김동희 1, 양유철 1, 서준석 1, 공대정 1, 김지은 1, 장성현 1, 칸 아딜 1, 김수봉 2, 이재승 2, 이영장 2, 문창성 2, 정지은 2, 유인태 3, 임 규빈 3, 주경광 4, 김현수 5, 오영도 6, 전은주 7 KISTI 응용연구개발팀. 1 경북대 물리 및 에너지학부. 2 서울대 물리학부. 3 성균관대 물리학과. 4 전남대 물리학과. 5 전북대 물리학과. 6 포항공대 물리학과. 7 세종대 물리학과. October 24, 2008 KISTI * Corresponding author 한국물리학회 ~24 광주 김대중 컨벤션 센터
Contents e-Science for High-Energy Physics CDF Farms around world Progress of CDF Farms Grid CAF The Comparison of Grid CAF Pacific CAF at KISTI Monitoring of Pacific CAF The Reason of exploiting GRID on CDF CDF Grid Computing Center (CGCC) Summary
3 Three components of e-HEP 1. e-Science for High-Energy Physics Data production Data publication Data processing EVO EVO (Enabling Virtual Organization) CDF Farm Remote Control Room
4 2. CDF Farms around world European CAF Pacific CAF North American CAF Tsukuba U ASGC, Taiwan KISTI KNU CAF(2001)DCAF(2003) Grid CAF (2006)CGCC(2008) UCSD CAF Toronto CAF Rut CAF Lyon CAF Taiwan AS BCN CAF CNAF CAF Korean CAF : KISTI, KNU Japan CAF
5 3. Progress of CDF Farms Name Starting Date Gridmiddleware Job scheduling ContentSite CAF2001-Condor Cluster farm inside Fermilab USA (Fermilab) DCAF2003-Condor Cluster farm outside Fermilab Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Spain (Varcelona, Cantabria), USA (Rutgers, San Diego), Canada, France Grid CAF 2006LCG/OSG Resource Broker, Condor Grid farm North America CAF European CAF Pacific CAF CGCC (CDF Grid Computing Center) 2008LCG Resource Broker, Condor Big Grid farm Korea (KISTI) France (IN2p3) Italy (CNAF)
6 4. Grid CAF Context Diagram of Grid CAF CAF GUI Grid Farm (European CAF) Grid Farm (North America CAF) Grid Farm (Pacific CAF) Grid Site (IPAS_CS) Grid Site (IPAS_OSG) Grid Site (Taiwan-LCG2 ) Grid Site (JP-TSUKUBA) Grid Site (KR-KISTI-HEP) Legend Service ComponentGrid CAF BoundaryGrid Site Boundary Job TransportGrid Pool User Interface
7 5. The comparison of Grid CAF Grid CAF Head node Work node GridMiddlewareMethodVO (Virtual Organization) North America CAF Fermilab (USA) USSD(USA)etcOSG Condor over Globus CDF VO European CAF CNAF (Italia) IN2P3(France)EtcLCGWMS (Workload Management System) CDF VO Pacific CAF AS (Taiwan) KISTI(Korea)etc LCG, OSG Condor over Globus CDF VO
8 6. Pacific CAF at KISTI (1) Service Component Legend Repository Grid CAF BoundaryGrid Site BoundaryGrid Pool Job Data Transportation Control Data Transportation Grid Site (KR-KISTI-HEP) Worker Node (hep015) ……………… (hep004) Work Node (hep003) dCache Pool (se-hep) Grid Farm (Pacific CAF) VOMS Authentication Glideins dCache User Interface CafGui CafSubmit CafMon CAF Head Node Submitter Monitor Collector Negotiator Schedd Globus.... Job Submission Web monitoring Job Output Condor CE (hep001)....
9 6. Pacific CAF at KISTI (2) Current hardware allocation status of KR-KISTI-HEP Head node at Academia Sinica (Taiwan) VOMS server at CNAF (Italy) Work nodes 25 core processes Storage at KISTI 30 T byte
10 7. Monitoring of Pacific CAF (1)
11 7. Monitoring of Pacific CAF (2)
12 8. The reason of exploiting GRID on CDF Donatella Lucchesi (December 11, 2007) e-Science 07
13 9. CDF Grid Computing Center (CGCC) Pacific CAF at KISTICGCC at KISTI Head node Head node VOMS server voms.cnaf.infn.itNew VOMS server Work nodes 25 core processes400 core processes Storage 30 T byte300 T byte A hardware allocation plan for CGCC
Summary High-energy physics is a good application of e-Science. The e-Science for high-energy physics has three components: data production, data processing and data analysis The system for data processing for CDF experiments is embedded at KISTI. CGCC (CDF Grid Computing Center) is being built at KISTI.
15 References Kihyeon Cho (KISTI), e-Science for High-Energy Physics in Korea, JKPS, Vol. 53, N0. 2, August 2008, pp. 1187~1191 Igor Sfiligoi, CDF computing, Computer Physics Communications 177 (2007) 235~238 Gabriele Compostella, Donatella Lucchesi, Simone Pagan Griso, Igor Sfiligoi, CDF Monte Carlo Production on LCG GRID via LcgCAF, 3 rd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, December 10~13, 2007 Kihyeon Cho (KISTI), CDF 그리드 현재 및 발전방향, KISTI HEP Seminar, January 30, 2008 Kihyeon Cho (KISTI), CDF Grid - DCAF (Decentralized CDF Analysis Farm), KISTI HEP Seminar, March 8, 2007