Chapter 2 rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 1
1. Support Student Learning Formative 2. Verify that learning was attained Summative rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 2
Clear Purpose Who uses results, how? Do students use the results? rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 3
Clear targets What is assessed? Do we understand targets? Do kids understand targets? rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 4
Sound design How do we assess Methods we use to assess Do students self assess? How? rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 5
Effective communication Why? To whom? Can students communicate this? To support learning? To report learning? rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 6
See p. 25, Intro to Student Involved Assessment rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 7
Charts the next phase of the learning Standards that have been met Grades received Evidence of where the student is currently Evidence of standard mastery rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 8
Lessens teacher misdiagnosis Treat assessments like a visit to the doctor (mr) Shows effective strategies Gives accurate info to parents and decision makers ****** think of BCT or SPED meetings ( Building Consultation Team) rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 9
Assessments that show ongoing progress Administered at a set time period Quarterly, weekly Think MAPS, Reading assessments rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 10
Decisions focus on a student group Focus on an effective program for THAT group Decisions are made periodically Heavy reliance on common classroom instruments Some standardization is needed for reliability rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 11
Evidence reveals how students are doing on individual standards Not cross categorical Summative evaluations look at a program’s effectiveness Should we keep the program or not? rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 12
Used by: Directors Leaders Supervisors Policy makers Politicians rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 13
Establish achievement standards Guide resource allocation (money) Steer classroom instruction Steer personnel decisions Verify student Achievement rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 14
Focus is on Standard Mastery, not Student Progress Typically given once a year rospenda, stiggins chapter 2 15