Gifted Resource Teachers Leaders Practitioners Designers Collaborators Producers Scholars Office of Gifted Education Staff Coaches Mentors Guides Facilitators Resources Critical Friends ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES
What am I interested in as a professional? Work in which of these areas is most likely to help me to improve/grow in my work? Survey Completed & Groups Identified What subtopic are we most interested in exploring and what key question will drive our work and keep us focused? What processes will we use to conduct our inquiry and to share our progress with colleagues? What product will we create to share what we’ve learned in order to benefit the gifted program? Subtopic, Inquiry Question, Process, Product, Sharing Method Identified by Group How will we maximize our work session time? Who will take the lead within our group? What preparations/work will each of us do between sessions? How will we handle unproductive group members? Work Sessions during Professional Development How can we best communicate our work and share our final product with colleagues? What suggestions can we give to our coordinators in the planning of the June sharing session? Product Sharing in June 2012
Parent Learning Community How might we develop networks among parents of gifted learners to encourage greater participation among parents in the gifted program? Interview members of the CAC, ODC, & KLMS SPCs, and parent workshop exit tickets to identify topics of interest to parents of gifted learners Develop both electronic and face-to-face sessions and structures for GRTs to use in creating and implementing a parent network (within or among schools); collaborate with GRTs at all levels Create and implement network/activity and gather feedback from parents Refine the work and create an manual for SharePoint for colleagues to create their own networks WHAT IF THE SKY WAS THE LIMIT? Understanding by Design How might we translate the UbD format for William & Mary units so that cluster teachers see the connections? Review several William & Mary units to identify the key components and create an analysis chart showing the degree of alignment btw the Integrated Curriculum Model of W&M and UbD Create a cross-walk document that shows the areas of alignment & differences; share the document with Jay McTighe and Joyce VanTassel-Baska for feedback Take a W&M unit and create a companion document for use in planning that will help GRTs and CTs translate the frameworks Develop a staff development session for new gifted staff (GRTs and teachers at ODC and KLMS) on using the W&M units in UbD
Service Learning What might quality service learning look like for gifted students? Read articles and a book (identified by the group; purchased by the Gifted Program) on service learning and explore its use with gifted learners Identify goals, activities, and procedures for service in the context of the VBCPS gifted program. Implement a service learning project with students to field-test the activities and procedures; refine the goals, activities, and procedures based on student work Write an article for the VAG newsletter on using service learning with gifted learners WHAT IF THE SKY WAS THE LIMIT? Underserved Populations How might we demonstrate the potential of students in low-SES situations by using Sternberg’s work to differentiate curriculum & instruction? Participate in a Webinar via NAGC on Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory. As a group, participate in a group seminar on the content of the Webinar Identify some of the key curriculum areas where using Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory may be an appropriate tool to increase the levels of rigor and relevance. Work with Dr. Kristi Doubet at JMU via Skype to develop sets of tasks for units Field-test the tasks with students and use the DDIPP to improve the tasks before sharing them with colleagues
ONE OF THE CHALLENGES How will you share your work with colleagues? what we are doing how the work is evolving and we are growing in our knowledge, understanding, and skills status of our product Each group has to develop a mechanism for sharing throughout the year. What tool will your group develop and use? (e.g., Wiki, Website, Vbgifted Blog, news brief on SharePoint, group journal, or perhaps a series of Live Meetings)